Most troubling coincidence ever. (1 Viewer)


VIP Contributor
Mar 5, 2002
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Was recounting to my son this morning about the time I was flying from New Orleans to south Florida to visit my parents. Was reading a Tom Clancy book on the plane and one of the characters started reminiscing about his deceased wife. She was sitting in seat seat 14F when the plane crash occurred. Any guesses on what seat I was in, as we were flying over the GoM? I looked up on the panel to make sure that I was actually in 14F and once confirmed I closed the book and white knuckled it the rest of the trip. Not super superstitious, but the odds seemed so low about all of this lining up that it seemed my end was imminent.

Anyone else have a similar experience?
After college my best friend moved to DC and I moved to NY
He was up visiting and we were walking in Central Park and talking about old classmates- he was like ‘hey, have you heard any about JL? I think she lives here now’
I said I had not - the last I had talked to her was at school 2 years previous
THAT NIGHT we ran into her down in the East Village
(I think there were about 8 million people in NYC at that time)
...wait there’s more...
So JL and I exchange numbers and hang out for a few months, but then kind of lose tough
A year later same friend was back in NY and brought up JL and I recounted what had happened
THAT NIGHT we bump into her again

easily the most coincidental thing that’s ever happened to me
I really wish I remembered what it was that I guessed but one time I was at work and my friend went to tell me something and I said what it was before he got a 2nd word out. He thought I listened to a conversation of his but I didn't. It was specific and random and I got it right somehow.

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