My football player (1 Viewer)


May 10, 2006
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My 2 year old is going to be a big bad football player. I just know it. He is a pretty good size for a almost 3 year old. He is not fat, but he is stocky...good build. Today he racked (sp) my husband not on purpose of course, and just a bit later, he busted his was bleeding even.

I am going to have to put Hayden in just about every sport! Baseball, soccer and football. *lol* He has a good arm already, and he can kick very well. And I surely can't keep up with him when he runs. He is very nimble on his feet. Is Nimble the correct word? Or is it agile? hmm....
Uh-oh... I've got a 2 year old as well that displays similar
sign of athleticism/aggression. They will probably end up
playing against/with each other since we are both in Monroe.
Actually, I'm in Calhoun... but I lived in monroe for 25 years
my son can kick both of your son's butts....:hihi: seriously though, my son is the tallest kid in his class, he is also the 3.5 years old, he weighs in at just above 40 lbs.....he looks to me like a defensive end type...or if he can catch, he'll be a tight end
my son can kick both of your son's butts....:hihi: seriously though, my son is the tallest kid in his class, he is also the 3.5 years old, he weighs in at just above 40 lbs.....he looks to me like a defensive end type...or if he can catch, he'll be a tight end

Sounds like about the same build as mine. I don't know how tall mine is...I haven't measured. He is 35 pounds and will be 3 in December. Now I want to know how tall he is....hmm...
my son can kick both of your son's butts....:hihi: seriously though, my son is the tallest kid in his class, he is also the 3.5 years old, he weighs in at just above 40 lbs.....he looks to me like a defensive end type...or if he can catch, he'll be a tight end

He sounds like my son. He was always the tallest and biggest.(lean, but broad). Today, he is still the tallest at 13.

He likes all sports, but mostly basketball. :)
He sounds like my son. He was always the tallest and biggest.(lean, but broad).

yeah, lil man is not fat by any means, but the dude is solid....i have seen other kids bounce off of him when they run into him:hihi:
yeah, lil man is not fat by any means, but the dude is solid....i have seen other kids bounce off of him when they run into him:hihi:

My kid was wide receiver this year, but yours definitely sounds like a defensive end to me. :)

Jayden, is that you in the "Jayden" sig. pics at the bottom of your posts?
If it is, your ponytail looks just like mine. LOL

Nice photos. :)
My kid was wide receiver this year, but yours definitely sounds like a defensive end to me. :)

Jayden, is that you in the "Jayden" sig. pics at the bottom of your posts?
If it is, your ponytail looks just like mine. LOL

Nice photos. :)

No, that is not me. That is Jadzia Dax from Star Trek Deep space Nine. I guess I should make myself a new banner with real photos of me. This is from my star trek board days.

I'm in my avatar.
my son is 6 years old.....totally natural
Pfft. My 3 1/2-year-old daughter is 40 pounds and about 37" tall. And with 2 older brothers, she knows how to hit too. Go ahead and send your boys over the middle. Go ahead. I dare ya. ;)

Oh my! My 12 year old daughter is 50 pounds soaking wet, and not really much taller than the 2 year old! *lol*

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