My last attempt (3 Viewers)

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After my sister died my mother got depressed and eventually became obsessed with it being the end of days. She watched (and I) Hal Lindsey on TV every day for a couple of years.

Eventually, the world didn’t end, and she snapped out of it...except for brief relapses for y2k, and 911.

I have to admit it was pretty traumatic for some of that time as a child watching Hal Lindsey constantly explain how the scariest parts of the Bible were about to come true.
David, do you realize that the rapture is a doctrine that didn’t exist until about 150 years ago?

well, if there's anything I've learned about how time and its scale operate, 150 years ago is pretty much right after Jesus's death and resurrection, so the time frame checks out
The difference of Judeo-Christianity and other religions is that Judeo-Christianity always manifests in reality.

Happened once and will again but even the first time those who were sent to declare it were confused and doubted. Even Christ said he didn’t know the very end. It’s the largest event in history. Respect for that fact is necessary. Open your mind - could happen in the year 13,378.

Your personal apocalypse is coming, within a century. Act accordingly.
The difference of Judeo-Christianity and other religions is that Judeo-Christianity always manifests in reality.
Funny, though, that's what the other religions say too.
So, how does Judeo-Christianity manifests itself in reality?

Happened once and will again but even the first time those who were sent to declare it were confused and doubted. Even Christ said he didn’t know the very end. It’s the largest event in history. Respect for that fact is necessary.
That's not a fact, but , how would Christ say that? After all, Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, and God/they know(s) everything. How could he not know?

Open your mind - could happen in the year 13,378.

Your personal apocalypse is coming, within a century. Act accordingly.
Well, the overwhelming majority of people alive today will be dead within 100 years, so way to go out on a limb there.
well, if there's anything I've learned about how time and its scale operate, 150 years ago is pretty much right after Jesus's death and resurrection, so the time frame checks out

The year was 1981.

Now I am going to get in my car, and drive real far, drive all night, and [maybe I'll ] see the light.

Gonna have our heads marked or cut off?

If this guy wasn’t speaking about the dominant religion in this country and instead was espousing his views on Islam, would this thread not have been shut down with the quickness and he be viewed in much more extreme light?
I've haven't read anything on this thread since I posted on page one. I'm just curious if anyone's mind has been changed? Has anyone been saved?

No? I'm out. Carry on.
It really does suck that this is going to be the last attempt @David Robbins. These threads are always at least entertaining and educational.

What's crazy is that I've found myself to be a better Christian ever since I stopped practicing Christianity/left the Catholic Church and started practicing Buddhism (14 years ago now). When I go to Catholic Mass with my mom sometimes (I far from being anti-Christian, or any religion for that matter) I listen to the sermons and readings and really find that they're more applicable to me now that I follow the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path than they did when I was just going to church, trying to not break the Ten Commandments and reading the Bible here and there. We go to the ICC Chapel at Loyola University at 1030 on Sundays - she goes, well, religiously, while I'm a random participant. They even have donuts and coffee after too and it's a kick to watch the kids make a mad dash to the table to see if they can get ahold of their favorite donut the second mass ends.

I have the Jesuits to thank for my conversion to Buddhism and also to thank for the Catholic masses that I still attend irregularly. Something about the Jesuits (besides the high school on Carrollton) has always appealed to me more than the other Catholic services I'd attend. (St. Dominic Parish was the one I grew up in and even as a kid I realized that when I would go with my grandmother to hear Father Harry Thompson's mass at the Jesuit Church on Barrone St. downtown, it was always so much more applicable to my life - even at that very young age - than the priest at St Dominic's who was a drunken butt crevasse and was really mean to people outside of mass and taking confession.)
I'm just many attempts were there before this one?
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