N/S: Arthur Blank does not want your cash! Atlanta Falcons game will go cashless is 2019! (1 Viewer)

The move to cards is to keep workers honest. NO cash exchanging hands, easier tracking of sold inventory

Maybe so. However when I was a vendor we had to comeback with the cash for the amount of beer sold. Had to get a case at a time and come back with the cash for that. They also counted cups at drink stands. It’s not too difficult to track food inventory if you want to be crazy enough
It's always been the plan to be a cashless society. That way the money doesn't really have to be there. Money becomes data. Cash becomes cards. Everything becomes digital. This is actually a bad thing but y'know...convience always wins


It'll be on the list of things you're not supposed to notice soon
I suspect that when you're talking about a facility that hosts 70,000 people, it is substantially more efficient. How many points of sale are there in that dome? Hundreds? If each has to accommodate cash, that means that each has to: have some allotment of cash to open with, have a place to keep and secure the cash during the event, and have a process to close the point of sale and deliver the cash back to the central accounting operation.

There's no way around doing any of those things if you're going to accept cash. Going cashless eliminates each of those requirements. It's incontrovertibly more efficient.
I doubt highly that any of that is the concern of the stadium. Most likely, each concession is leased from the stadium, and is run as an independent business.
It's always been the plan to be a cashless society. That way the money doesn't really have to be there. Money becomes data. Cash becomes cards. Everything becomes digital. This is actually a bad thing but y'know...convience always wins

I totally agree, there is drawbacks to a cashless society, such as the value of your money will be more easily manipulated.
I doubt highly that any of that is the concern of the stadium. Most likely, each concession is leased from the stadium, and is run as an independent business.

Perhaps. I think you’re right that the data might be part of it, but I have to believe there are practical/efficiency interests as well. Certainly they know that they’re already at a certain percentage (high) of cashless transactions so it’s not a risk to go all the way.

If 60% of the stadium’s transactions were still cash, there’s no way they’d be doing it.
Maybe so. However when I was a vendor we had to comeback with the cash for the amount of beer sold. Had to get a case at a time and come back with the cash for that. They also counted cups at drink stands. It’s not too difficult to track food inventory if you want to be crazy enough

When the kiddos were younger, we worked at the Cajun Dome doing concessions for Ice Gator Hockey games. It was a total PIA we had to count cups, boats (cardboard trays) everything for sale in the stand if you were short it came out of your 10% of total sales. It was easy to make a couple of thousand for the school.
Randy moss going to have to tell Artie how it's really done. Although the gangsta probably already knows.
I haven't really used cash since the debit cards and swipe terminals starting popping up around 2000. In fact, i find cash, and more change, a real pain to deal with, and if do happen to have any, i usually forget its in my pocket. I do just about every transaction either either my card, apple pay, or online with my card, so I've been virtually cashless for almost 20 years. physical money is really a concept who's time has gone.
My sons sell concessions at (cash only) carts in the Superdome. They cannot put out tip cups but some people leave tips/change anyway. Their tips range from about $20 for a preseason game to $75+ for playoffs. I wonder how it would affect their tips if the carts switched to cards only

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