New Board (1 Viewer)


Subscribing Member
Gold VIP Contributor
May 9, 2002
Reaction score
I like. Nice Job Big A!!!

The board looks great, you always do a Great Job. This is just a reminder to me that I need to send you some cash to help keep this great site up and running. I will send through paypal next week. Again GREAT WORK!!
Ditto. The new site is great. Don't forget to check your preferences, etc. -- I needed to reset a couple of things (allow emails from members, turn off automatic subscription to threads, reload my avatar, etc.). I know some will gripe about having to do that, but that is small potatoes compared to what Andrus has had to do to get this new site up and running!

I can't wait to see how it does on gameday!

How many do I have?

Edit: That sounds about right.
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Wow! it will take me some time to get used to it ,but i like it
The post totals are messed up for some reason...pretty much double what they should be. Heh...we're still working through all the bugs.
Great lookin new BB!

Great Job Andrus!
Glad to see it all went smoothly!
I enjoy this bb,and am honoured to be a member amongst it!
I raise my beer and tip my hat in Salute to yall!

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