highlights (1 Viewer)

Dude it's sickening The Espn's highlights only show the Cowgirls score and highlights it made it look like the cowgirls played by themselves. Heck even if we win 6 superbowls we still dont get respect.
I'll take 6 Lombardis over respect anytime!!
If someone finds better highlights pls post them. NFL site sux, Espn Sux too...
We don't have an Chad Johnson ( I refuse to say ocho) to talk smack and send gifts and letters. We don't have a Dez Bryant to pout on the sidelines. We don't have a Michael Vick to torture fans (finger) and dogs. We don't have Randy Moss to chase policewomen with his car. And most of all we don't have anyone with hair like Troy.

What the Saints have are TEAM players who get involved and give to the community, care about the fans, and are the best character football team in the NFL

Who wants to cover that kind of stuff when you got the Chad Johnsons of the world to cover, or BIG market teams like Dallas and New York.

I may be in the minority here, but I think the lack of national coverage is befitting us and we should consider ourselves very lucky. One of the biggest reasons for the super bowl hangover is all the media hype and attention teams get the following year. It's easy for young players to get caught up in the limelight and rest on past accomplishments. During the first quarter of the season we saw some evidence of this. Fortunately, we lost some of the limelight as the season progressed. Let the packers, Falcons, Eagles, and Bears have their spot in the sun. In the meanwhile, we can just quietly go about our business.
someone at ESPN and NFLN needs to be fired...I watched all the highlights last night and you would have sworn the cowboys won...ESPN started its highlights off with the Roy Williams strip, what happened to 99 percent of the game played before that...NFLN started their highlights with Austins end around TD...and everything there after looked like dallas won until they finally showed the Brees to Moore TD that put us was sickening. We are the only football team to win a superbowl and be completely shunned the next year...wouldnt be happening if this were cowboys, vikings, jets, patriots
Just watched the game highlights there. Of 2min 2sec. 1:50 is Cowboy highlights. I love it.

How bad do the Cowboys have to be before the media quits slobbering over them?

It has everything to do with their huge fan base consisting mostly of "fake fans" who need a team to pull for when they go to the bar with their friends..... I'm a displaced Louisiana native who has moved all over the country... East Coast, Chicago, Los Angeles and now Kentucky.. I swear, the vast majority of the Cowboys fans I meet, wearing a Cowboy jersey etc, know nothing about the team... The most dedicated and knowledgeable fans that i've met in my years have been obscure teams like New Orleans, Buffalo, Green Bay off the top of my head....

If you're not a fan and you just need to adopt a team, the Cowboys are the sexy choice plus, you get cowboy propaganda shoved down your throat 24/7....
Was about to post a thread about this, I couldn't believe it. It's like Nazi German Propaganda to make you think what they want, watching that you'd say the Cowboys matched us step for step and we sucked. No mention of any of the Saints turnovers or scores prior.

Up till last year they used to have two videos - the gameday shortened version, and the full highlights of 5-6 minutes with radio calls including all the big plays as well as the scores. What happened to that?:jpshakehead:
Even the game highlight video on the official SAINTS site starts at the 3rd quarter :covri:
I see that nothing has changed since I mentioned it on another thread. No mention of the total domination during the first quarter, and no clip of Gurode snapping the ball when Kitna wasn't expecting it--but a shot of Reggie Bush fumbling the punt. It doesn't show Jerry Jones during the many bad moments the Cowboys had--only when they did something good, as st dude pointed out.

Now, I am pretty sick of all the whining going on about the Saints getting no respect--but anyone with a brain cell can see that the focus on the Cowboys for this game was grossly overdrawn. When the so-called highlights start out with a line like "After the Saints went ahead 20-6..." viewers should wonder how that lead happened. But the highlights and the commentary barely mention the Saints' domination of the Cowboys in the first half. Without that lead, the Saints lose.
I see that nothing has changed since I mentioned it on another thread. No mention of the total domination during the first quarter, and no clip of Gurode snapping the ball when Kitna wasn't expecting it--but a shot of Reggie Bush fumbling the punt. It doesn't show Jerry Jones during the many bad moments the Cowboys had--only when they did something good, as st dude pointed out.

Now, I am pretty sick of all the whining going on about the Saints getting no respect--but anyone with a brain cell can see that the focus on the Cowboys for this game was grossly overdrawn. When the so-called highlights start out with a line like "After the Saints went ahead 20-6..." viewers should wonder how that lead happened. But the highlights and the commentary barely mention the Saints' domination of the Cowboys in the first half. Without that lead, the Saints lose.

I think it is also important for everyone to remember that the Cowboys are 3 and 8, a terrible team, no shot at the playoffs, no hope for next year..........

but none of that matters. All networks will still slurp them. it is beyond disgusting.

The vikings imploded and they have kinda gone away. WHAT IN THE FREAKING WORLD WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE THE COWBOYS GO AWAY????

Do you think that over 15 years without a Superbowl victory would do it???????

How about only 1 playoff victory in 15 years??? Surely that would make everyone stop slurping the cowboys right??

I don't really mind the Saints flying under the radar, there's only going to be 2 teams to talk about in February. That said, someone really doesn't understand marketing, they say the coverage goes to the large markets. But, how can you ignore the fact the Saints have the most watched TV show EVER, the most watched NFCC, the most watched SB, and the most watched Thanksgiving game in 15 years, do they really think people are just watching the vikings, Colts and cowboys? Is it just coincidence? It's pretty obvious to me that America loves to watch the Saints.
i don't really mind the saints flying under the radar, there's only going to be 2 teams to talk about in february. That said, someone really doesn't understand marketing, they say the coverage goes to the large markets. But, how can you ignore the fact the saints have the most watched tv show ever, the most watched nfcc, the most watched sb, and the most watched thanksgiving game in 15 years, do they really think people are just watching the vikings, colts and cowboys? Is it just coincidence? It's pretty obvious to me that america loves to watch the saints.

There's two sides to this. My first gut reaction is to enjoy running under the radar. That's my normal. We come up in January and February and rock the world when we repeat.

But someone in this thread made me think about another side of it. One that is not about respect, but about love for our city. If they would just cover us for how good we are, we'd get more air time for our beloved success. Put us on the Sunday night flex games. Make us the top games of the week, and we get move video of our beloved French Quarter and city between breaks and games etc. That exposes more people to think about how great our recovery is going.

It's not a "I WANT RESPECT", it's more of a, I want more coverage of our city.
Nah, this is more simple than that. It's about what's deemed as newsworthy. The Girls stink it up all season (1st half), fire Wade, and suddenly look like the team "everybody" thought they were. That's news. The Queens beg The Favor to play and then lose... a lot... fire the Child, and now what? That's news. Vick puts up the best show and the most fantasy points ever by a QB on a MNF game after 2 years in prison and half the nation hating him. That's news. Atlanta is 19-1 at home, and they beat the SB Champion Saints. Their coach is psychotic and their QB is still the rookie phenom nobody thought he could be (oh, he's not a rookie anymore? times passes, huh?). That's news.

The Saints go about their business, win, lose a few they shouldn't, win some more. What's newsworthy there? They're doing what's expected (apart from losing to the Cards and Browns). I'm sure the Will Smith arrest would have made the Saints newsworthy but the timing was wrong.

As to the Hornets, I truly don't get it. But the same can be said of the Spurs. The two teams are tied for the best record and neither can be seen on National TV. Not while King James and his merry men are around. I guess that's the answer - King James is newsworthy.

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