NFL/NFLPA agree to have players who test positive for COVID-19 go on IR for three weeks (1 Viewer)

The NFL will screw this up. They can’t even do a concussion protocol right , They don’t know what pass interference is, They don’t know what a catch is! Now let’s let them run a COVID test. LOL. I’m going to sticky this article to remind you of the NFL’s record on health

It's not. You can get Covid again as quickly as two-three months

You can count the number of people who have been legitimately reinfected in such a short time frame on one hand and still have fingers left over. Those odds - particularly for young, spectacularly healthy athletes - are pretty good, I'd say.
I am sure they will manipulate the numbers especially since it will be highly likely the most in shape athletes in the world will be asymptomatic. You know teams like NE won't tell the truth lol.

I am also sure Roger Goodell will be in New Orleans to personally watch every player tested and handle every sample lol.
It's in the teams best interest to find and isolate people that test positive as quickly as possible. Offensive and defensive linement might be a lot more at risk than most are assuming given the correlaton with severe cases and BMI. Plus with the long term impacts of lund damage, the teams and players are risking a lot to play these games.
You can count the number of people who have been legitimately reinfected in such a short time frame on one hand and still have fingers left over. Those odds - particularly for young, spectacularly healthy athletes - are pretty good, I'd say.
It's not the recovery. It being IR come playoff time.
It's in the teams best interest to find and isolate people that test positive as quickly as possible. Offensive and defensive linement might be a lot more at risk than most are assuming given the correlaton with severe cases and BMI. Plus with the long term impacts of lund damage, the teams and players are risking a lot to play these games.
I get it I do, but how many injuries go unreported so guys can play or stay in games. Now, I know this isn't the 80's where Ronnie Lott cut off part of his finger to get back on the field, but i could definitely see teams pushing this under the radar it certain cases to win a game.
Considering the high infectivity rate of the virus, any player who has it and plays in a game is going to infect nearly everyone he's in contact with, don't see a happy ending with this idea...
but there's very little doubt immunity should last at least the length of the season).
That isn't necessarily the case. I read an article the other day that was interviews with people who tested positive but never developed antibodies at all. Others who got sick, quarantined, followed all of the CDC guidelines, etc. and still caught it a second time. And I heard just today on NRP where an epidemiologist was being interviewed about potential vaccines and she said that so far it's looking like you may have to get vaccinated multiple times a year until this thing is eradicated completely because the antibodies have a rather short half life and seem to disappear 100 x's faster than, say, the regular flu for example.

Just passing along information I learned...not trying to threadjack anything like that.
I hope the NFL goes forward with the 3 week IR it'll create greater roster flexibility and not require someone to be out for 8 weeks with a 5 week injury
If I understand it correctly, this proposal (3-week IR) is limited to only those who test positive for COVID-19. Injured IR is unchanged.
If I understand it correctly, this proposal (3-week IR) is limited to only those who test positive for COVID-19. Injured IR is unchanged.
I should have put going forward in other years have the week IR apply to injuries. But the NFL probably would never do that.
That isn't necessarily the case. I read an article the other day that was interviews with people who tested positive but never developed antibodies at all. Others who got sick, quarantined, followed all of the CDC guidelines, etc. and still caught it a second time. And I heard just today on NRP where an epidemiologist was being interviewed about potential vaccines and she said that so far it's looking like you may have to get vaccinated multiple times a year until this thing is eradicated completely because the antibodies have a rather short half life and seem to disappear 100 x's faster than, say, the regular flu for example.

Just passing along information I learned...not trying to threadjack anything like that.

I can say that there is much disagreement about this point, a study released this week from the Netherlands says that T-cell immunity can last up to 7 years, not sure anyone really knows the truth...

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