Phil Anselmo gives his thoughts on bountygate (2 Viewers)

#1 - freedom of speech is a fantastic thing. Never be afraid to raise your voice against the establishment because this is AMERICA and we have earned the right to do so.

#2 - many, many more folks need to question this whole stink-pile that is the "bounty" scandal.

#3 - Geaux SAINTS
Not a fan of using a foul mouth to get your point across. People that overly cuss usually do so to overcompensate, because their words are weak and they don't have many intelligent thoughts.

And if this Artisan News outlet wants people to take them seriously, they wouldn't give this dude air time. Dude is clearly high on painkillers slurring away profanities; not a good example of journalistic integrity.

I would be embarrassed to share this video with friends.
Wow, you guys really like this crap? Dude is ranting, probably high out of his mind just blurting obscenities. Whatever, man.
I also kind of felt like it was a personal thing between Sean and the NFL.
Let's not make this thread about profanity, folks.

1) If you prefer not to use the kind of language that Anselmo uses, then it's cool. It just means this thread is not for you. I imagine that some (not all) who are puzzled about why we like this video are not from the generation of folks who grew up with Pantera and may not understand what this means to us. Some of us care what a celebrity (with a great local reputation, mind you) has to say on a matter that is so important us. No need to question our taste or assume that we can't make logical arguments just because cursing is pretty mundane to us.

2) If you think a commenter is being too preachy and uptight about profanity, then no need insult them. As stated above, this thread is not meant for them. They are probably great folks who just do not happen to identify with a generation of folks who find cursing to be part of their everyday patois. Let it go, in other words.

So let's not continue this argument back and forth about the merits of criticizing Bountygate with use of profanity. We get it: some of us hate cursing, and some of us embrace it. To each his own. If you choose to participate in this thread, why not focus on the points that Anselmo made, such as what he said about his first-hand knowledge about the vendetta against Payton?
Let's not make this thread about profanity, folks.

1) If you prefer not to use the kind of language that Anselmo uses, then it's cool. It just means this thread is not for you. I imagine that some (not all) who are puzzled about why we like this video are not from the generation of folks who grew up with Pantera and may not understand what this means to us. Some of us care what a celebrity (with a great local reputation, mind you) has to say on a matter that is so important us. No need to question our taste or assume that we can't make logical arguments just because cursing is pretty mundane to us.

2) If you think a commenter is being too preachy and uptight about profanity, then no need insult them. As stated above, this thread is not meant for them. They are probably great folks who just do not happen to identify with a generation of folks who find cursing to be part of their everyday patois. Let it go, in other words.

So let's not continue this argument back and forth about the merits of criticizing Bountygate with use of profanity. We get it: some of us hate cursing, and some of us embrace it. To each his own. If you choose to participate in this thread, why not focus on the points that Anselmo made, such as what he said about his first-hand knowledge about the vendetta against Payton?

good point. I have been in the "vendetta" camp for a while now. So what Phil is saying here hits pretty close to home. The profanity isn't the emphasis, but it does express how plenty of us (including myself) feels about this while situation. It's nice to see someone who gets it. Even if his means of delivery isn't desirable to everyone.

and that's all i have to say about that.
Not a fan of using a foul mouth to get your point across. People that overly cuss usually do so to overcompensate, because their words are weak and they don't have many intelligent thoughts.

Hang around real writers some time and you'll see how completely untrue and laughably off base this statement is.
If Phil Anselmo had his own show on ESPN, I would have a reason to watch. Unlike most other ESPN shows, there would be one that had zero bullcrap.

I don't care if Phil is high or cusses. He's a rock star. It's what he does. It's what made him a famous millionaire.

He expresses his feelings with anger, and despite being high or drunk, he pretty much nails truth about Peter King and the NFL and the media right on the head.

He says he knows players on the team and has talked to them. He says that the Sean Payton suspension is partially due to a personal issue between Goodell and Payton. I hope this info gets stirred up elsewhere in the media.
BTW - the best frontman pretty much ever is MJK.

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