Let's not make this thread about profanity, folks.
1) If you prefer not to use the kind of language that Anselmo uses, then it's cool. It just means this thread is not for you. I imagine that some (not all) who are puzzled about why we like this video are not from the generation of folks who grew up with Pantera and may not understand what this means to us. Some of us care what a celebrity (with a great local reputation, mind you) has to say on a matter that is so important us. No need to question our taste or assume that we can't make logical arguments just because cursing is pretty mundane to us.
2) If you think a commenter is being too preachy and uptight about profanity, then no need insult them. As stated above, this thread is not meant for them. They are probably great folks who just do not happen to identify with a generation of folks who find cursing to be part of their everyday patois. Let it go, in other words.
So let's not continue this argument back and forth about the merits of criticizing Bountygate with use of profanity. We get it: some of us hate cursing, and some of us embrace it. To each his own. If you choose to participate in this thread, why not focus on the points that Anselmo made, such as what he said about his first-hand knowledge about the vendetta against Payton?
But it appears that Goodell hates cursing and strong language. That is the substance of bountygate, isn't it? Nothing more has been proven than some foul ******* language in team meetings.