Quick!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


VIP Contributor
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
New Bern, NC via Venice, LA
Let's think of something else to talk about instead of the game involving the team whose name I shall not mention.

How about 9-3? We need to work on a few things, but all in all we are getting it done without the help of the refs.

What say you?
How about the brilliant 4th down play of Brees: lining up, giving a hard count, then motioning for the full back to move to the other side of the formation as if he didn't like what was going on to give the Bengals the appearance that we were ACTUALLY gonna run a play, when I have no doubt in my mind that we weren't?

They bit on it and got a neutral zone infraction, giving us a 1st and goal. Awesome.
How about the brilliant 4th down play of Brees: lining up, giving a hard count, then motioning for the full back to move to the other side of the formation as if he didn't like what was going on to give the Bengals the appearance that we were ACTUALLY gonna run a play, when I have no doubt in my mind that we weren't.

They bit on it and got a neutral zone infraction, giving us a 1st and goal. Awesome.

Awesome coaching, Awesome execution.
Bring on the Rams!!
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