Redneck game behavior at Eagles game (1 Viewer)

considering that you didnt step in and say something to these "peabrained" Saints fans in good service, i think they have that right to say what they'll say back in Philly... next time instead of thinking of how your going to tell fellow Saints Report posters about how malicioius these fans were, step in and show them what true sportsman ship is.. if not your just as bad as they are for noticing it and doing nothing about it..

About the only thing I worry about at the game is watching every play and making noise at the right time. I don't get involved in other people's business at games - and they could have confronted the aditators, or requested help from fans or the ushers.

When I was sitting in the stands I was thinking - man it sure would suck to be those Eagles fans, with the verbal abuse they were taking. I've been to enough games to know the lines you don't cross. I would hate to be treated that way when I go to my next away game. I sat there and made a mental note to post a thread about it when I got home, so that's what I did. Hopefully, this thread reminds us to be good fans, that's all.
I will agree with you here that this is a hostile environment and it should be expected a little when going to other teams stadiums. I still don't condone razing fans with kids, but this guy must have been pretty stupid to put himself in that situation. It's kind of like someone who puts themselves in ahigh crime area at 1 in the morning and complains about being mugged. No, it wasn't right but you put yourself in that situation.

So you're saying that a NFL playoff game is the wrong place for kids? When did Saints games become an over-18 venue? What wrong situation are you referring to - buying tickets and taking your kids to a football game?

I'm all for a hostile environment. I think parents and kids should expect to hear any and all dirty words at a game - screamed repeatedly. I have no problem with that.

I'm all for getting drunk at the game (except when there's only 4 porta potties outside the stadium and a 45-minute line). Heck, let the Saints fans offer the kids a drink and a smoke - I don't care.

But I heard crap like this screamed at the fans in front of me:
"Hey Philly, you look like Jeff Garcia - are you a gay like Jeff Garcia?"
"Hey Philly, you like sucking **** like Jeff Garcia?"
"Hey Philly, how'd your kids like that play?"
And on, and on, and on.
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You've got to lose to know how to win. Dream On. Aerosmith
I am gonna be a good fan.. and wear my rings with pride for years to come... I won;t have to say a word... My cowboy neighbors won't even talk to me...

The 2nd best fans IMHO, are the KC fans... They are good people...
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I will agree with you here that this is a hostile environment and it should be expected a little when going to other teams stadiums. Personally, if I wanted to go to a big game such as this (or any game for that matter) I would definitely not be bringing my little boy until he is of an age where I think he can "talk back" a little so to speak (maybe 14 or 15). Bringing a little girl and a little boy to THE biggest game in the history of your opposition is simply a little stupid to be frank. I still don't condone razing fans with kids, but this guy must have been pretty stupid to put himself in that situation.

It's kind of like someone who puts themselves in ahigh crime area at 1 in the morning and complains about being mugged. No, it wasn't right but you put yourself in that situation.

This attitude would get you banned here and should get you thrown out of any stadium anywhere. It is not a free for all fight or cursing match. Anyone can attend a game anytime in any stadium and should not have to worry about some drunken idiot wanting to get in a fight or cursing at you.

And I agree, the op should have said something to the idiot Saints fans acting like that. I can tell you that it has happened in my section.

By the way, I bring my son to every game and since when were kids banned from attending a football game because of some idiots.
You can be a vociferous fan and engage in banter with opposing fans without being an obnoxious jerk. It sounds like there are some who go to the games who don't realize that.
Not to mention this fans were asked to come down and spend money to help N.O. get back on it's feet. Plus many are coming down and helping in the recovery effort.
I have been to thousands of games since I was a little kid, including high school and college and pro games, all over the country, and I guess I just feel differently. To me it is more than just a game, as someone put it, football is a huge part of my life and it is for others as well. Some people go to games to seetheir team win and to do anything necessary to possibly help their team win. People should realize that. If you do not like it, don't go. It's not squash or bowling or tennis. It's a wild, violent, and sometimes destructive game. Many fans like it for that reason.

You're 32 years old and have been to thousands of football games? That is impressive. At a minimum of 2,000 games (thousands) you would have to go to 62.5 games for each year of your life to achieve that. I suspect you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has been to more games than that in such a short time.
well, im not gonna comment on the conduct of others since i dont feel that its my place to do so. however, i did feel that i myself acted out a little too aggressively once or twice to eagles fans (not children at all). its tough, sometimes you get fired up about the game and your team and the other fans start getting in your face and you respond. not something i am proud of, but hey, it is what it is.

upon reflecting upon my actions i do feel that i need to relax a bit (i only had one or two outbursts during the game). i realized that while i take it as all in fun and games since thats the relationship between home and away fans, others may not feel the same way.

either way, im sure they werent too beat up about it and go saints!
You're 32 years old and have been to thousands of football games? That is impressive. At a minimum of 2,000 games (thousands) you would have to go to 62.5 games for each year of your life to achieve that. I suspect you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has been to more games than that in such a short time.

Since football is such a huge part of his life (none of us here really think it is that big of a deal), he apparently had so many of these wild, violent and destructive confrontations that maybe he was hit in the head one too many times and forgot math?

Or maybe now he will tell us that he didn't really mean thousands of games, he was just at hundreds of games where he had all these wild, violent and destructive confrontations. I wonder how many hundreds of games he will come up with. . .
When you walk into another teams stadium wearing the opposing team's jersey/shirt/wig/mask/etc., you've gotta know you're gonna get razzed all day long...end of're gonna get cursed at, yelled at, degraded, possibly have things thrown at just makes it that much better when you walk up those steps after your team just blew out theirs... it's not for the faint of heart and certainly not something you drag your kids into. Believe me, I've walked into the Georgia Dome wearing my Saints gear and felt the fear like I'm sure many others here can attest to. Not something I'd do if I had kids with me, but something I think every sports fan should do at least once in their life.
It's got to be a matter of people stepping in and calling for cooler sensible heads when they see things going down hill. This happend when an obviously plastered Saints fan started pestering a Redskin fan in front of his family when he was obviously trying to keep to himself while leaving the dome. I yelled from the top of the escalator and the Saint fan then wanted to fight with me his fellow Saint fan and THEN everyone joined in and chilled him out. I've seen times where I wasn't the brave one(cuz the guy was big and scared me) but someone else was and I joined in when we got more allies and pacified him. Hopefully someone there always takes the leadership so that people come here and spend their money and keeping our city's #1 industry alive for the right reasons. Good sportsmanship counts just as much for Fans as well as athletes.
I don't think Whodat1027 was saying you can't or shouldn't takes kids to games. But rather that you probably shouldn't take a young kid to another stadium wearing the opposing teams gear, and especially at a huge game like a playof game.

I agree with him on that. Its a shame, but I wouldn;t take a 10 year old to Philly, or really anywhere else wearinga Saints shirt for aplayoff game. ITs just too hostile.
Well, I'm 6'8 and 280 so I've never had a problem "chilling someone out"...although I'm a pacifist. Come to think of it, maybe that's why I don't get into many altercations when I go to Atlanta.

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