Saintman's Official Celtics @ Pelicans 3/30 Game-Day Thread!I Dont Believe in Lucky Charms and Shamrocks. I Believe in Good, Hard-playing Pelicans!!!! (2 Viewers)

Just got home. Radio feed is dead. How we lookin yall?
Yeah, my husband was just telling me about the radio. I wonder what's up.

28-20 Pels up right now. So far, so good.
Hmm, why didn't this thread show up for me?
Still isn't there
Edit- log out, log in, profit
Last edited:
Kenny not making his shots is gonna hurt us in this game! We need Trigga Trey for this one.
Stop switching Larry on wings and stop dumping the ball off to him in the paint. His hands are too bad.

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