Say goodbye to Twinkies (3 Viewers)


It is clear that you either aren't reading what I'm writing, can't understand what I'm writing or are simply willfully ignoring it. I tip my hat to your devotion to staying on message, but I refuse to participate in a "discussion" with someone where that appears to be their sole focus.

Good day.

I've addressed everything you've stated while you have refused to do the same. Your argument, and I use that term loosely, has been "but you dont understand. Making less money is better than making none". I have explained my opinion while you haven't done the same. If anyone has refused to have a duscussion it's you. I guess "you don't understand, I'm right" passes as an argument in some circles.
i've been married to the same hot blonde for decades..and 95% of the time she bangs it up at the grocery store..but last week ..actually on sunday, when she went to get sandwich makings for my halftime eat saints hosting the falcons..she did rock solid with the swiss cheese and sahlens ham off the bone..but the Bimbo bread for the second time?????? that bread is horrible..if that's your only competer on the meter..i would sleep well at night...far to much dryness in that bread..overloaded on 73 pound pitbull won't even eat ..and she eats peas and green beans.

salute to you breadman

Bimbo also owns Sara Lee, Arnold's, Thomas English Muffins, and Entenmann's.

My company owns Nature's Own, Cobblestone Mill, Bunny, Sunbeam in most places, Tastykake, and Bluebird.
I don't feel like it's the end of the world over Twinkies for heaven's sake.

People are acting like this is a big deal, but do we not already have enough junk food as it is?

I haven't ate a Twinkie in about 4 years...Nothing wrong with them, good junk snack but I don't get where it's such a big deal, I really don't.

This country already leads the world in obesity. It wouldn't hurt to cut down on some of the junk food, and start eating healthier. The only problem is I doubt people really want to eat healthier.
Or. Symbiote, be lectured that they have to or personally antagonised to embarassment by health fitness elitists. I take personal pride to be equalling annoying as I can usually out-argue them, doing in their way, better than most.

Unlike some, I don't mind getting a little nasty if someone gets too personal trying to ridicule me.
This is impossible to answer. They are a huge corporation privately owned so financials are not available to the public.

How is it impossible to answer when I said "based purely on opinion"? When I asked what do you think would be fair...
If you read up on the situation, they really aren't. This is a company that expanded at the wrong time and has been destined to fail for a while now. They're just using the union as scapegoat.

They did exactly what other large bakers such as Bimbo. Acquiring other companies throughout their long history. In fact Bimbo has long wanted to acquire Hostess.
I haven't ate a Twinkie in about 4 years...

And this is why they're going out of business. People are outraged like Hostess products are the backbone of American freedom and its job creators are the victims of dirty 47 percenter greed, but it's a pretty simple matter that their products are not as popular or relevant as people may remember them being when they were actually buying them. The country is still filled with fatties, but a lot better competing junk food products have been created in the last 40 years, and the Hostess lineup -- like their products in a lot of instances -- was pretty stale.

I read a Facebook post today which placed the blame on the mainstream media. Of course, the same guy thought America died earlier this month, so his reasoning must be legit.
So, you're telling us that your markup on fish and stuff was 300% so a fish that cost you $10 you sold for $30 or are you saying you added 300% so it would be $40?

Saltwater specialty is about 300% on livestock %130 to 200% on dry goods. Just some well know examples, clownfish wholesale at 3-5 bucks delivered and sell for 20-25 all day back then. Rare stuff gets 500% on corals typically but you have to remember stuff dies from time to time. Prior to internet competition a saltwater fish store owner could get very wealthy.
that can't be true..
I heard on tv that it was the unions fault.. because they wouldn't take an 8% paycut..

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Who Dat!

The 8% paycut, and 25% ownership to the employees kept the doors open with the getting 4% back after 4 years. Fair deal IMO.

Even if the executives made money who cares you have to get talent in the right spots. Cant get top talent for low ball wages. And as an ex AOL employee of 10 years I can tell ya what crappy execs can do to a company. Once Steve Case left the AOL ship sank fast under Time Warner.

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