Science! (4 Viewers)

After a decades-long and largely fruitless hunt for drugs to combat Alzheimer’s disease, an unlikely candidate has raised its head: the erectile dysfunction pill Viagra.

Researchers found that men who were prescribed Viagra and similar medications were 18% less likely to develop the most common form of dementia years later than those who went without the drugs.

The effect was strongest in men with the most prescriptions, with scientists finding a 44% lower risk of Alzheimer’s in those who received 21 to 50 prescriptions of the erectile dysfunction pills over the course of their study.

While the findings are striking, the observational study cannot determine whether Viagra and similar pills protect against Alzheimer’s or whether men who are already less prone to the condition are simply more likely to use the tablets.

“We can’t say that the drugs are responsible, but this does give us food for thought on how we move into the future,” said the lead author Dr Ruth Brauer at University College London. “We now need a proper clinical trial to look at the effects of these drugs on Alzheimer’s in women as well as men.”………

My wife says she'd rather me have dementia.
They could use the eastern parts of Montana and Wyoming and no one would notice.
White Sands Nat Park is ~227 sq miles of near perfect white sands. Would even make a great place for bifacial panels.
Why is everything older than us? Are we the babies of the universe?
Good question. I suppose it's because we are our own reference point? no that doesn't make sense. I was thinking that since the light from a galaxy takes X amount of time to travel to use we see it as X-billions of years old. Would a planet in the X-galaxy see the Milky Way and say that we are billions of years old since our light took that long to get to them? I've confused myself now. Time to nap.

The tests found chlormequat in the urine of more people and at higher concentrations in samples collected in 2023 than in earlier years, suggesting consumer exposure to chlormequat could be on the rise.
In case anyone was wondering...
Just roll the window down and throw it out like a McDonald's bag in the 80's
Just roll the window down and throw it out like a McDonald's bag in the 80's
I haven't been able to adequately describe to young people how littered and dirty everything was in the 70's.

Every car had black smoke coming out, garbage everywhere, and up here we have all of the steel mills, a coal fired electric facility (back then) and a couple of oil refineries. We'd be on the playground and be running on can tabs, broken glass, used condoms, razor blades, and cigarette butts.

When we lived in Whiting by what was Standard oil, we would have to clean the ash off of everything outside and we would have pink snow in winter. The exhaust from cars would turn the snow black. Everything was disgusting.

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