Sharper and Shockey (1 Viewer)


Super Forum Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
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I sure hope Sharper will step his game up in the playoffs. I dnt know if he is 100% but he just seems to me like he is out of position on some plays.

He is a savvy Vet and I hope he can turn it up a notch in the playoffs. That goes for Shockey as well. He just not playing the same. Seems like Shock have just lost his fire or something. Something is missing with these guys.:scratch:
They're both getting old and have injury problems. I love em both but I think they're to the point where neither is a full player anymore. But both are still valuable assets.
Sharper will almost certainly want a "blaze of glory" run if he can muster it

Shockey probably wants to play some more andight have to change his game/approach to be able to do it
I think both have been effectively replaced, and neither is the guy they used to be. Jenkins will be a pro bowler for years to come and Graham has established himself in this offense as the preferred TE target. You are right about Shockey lacking the fire you usually come to expect with him - he has been an emotional catalyst in previous years, but he hasnt been the same this year.
Shockey is ttill our best blocking tightend right now. I like what David Thomas brings to the table. He is very versatile.
Jenkins is going to be a BEAST at safety in years to come.
Out of the two, who do you think will have the more productive post season? I think Sharper could be key in certain situations, hopefully he gets some INT's. He is due one at least. Shockey is better at blocking than Graham, but I think Graham is now Drew's main target at the TE position.
Honestly, I'm surprised Sharper's even playing. My brother had microfracture surgery. Now granted, my brother, while athletic, is not in the shape Darren Sharper's in nor did he have a top notch rehab staff working with him, but...having witnessed the effects of microfracture firsthand, I can assure you, it's brutal. When I first read in the offseason Sharper had had that kind of surgery (and he's what, 35 now?), I had my doubts he'd play at all this season. I had no problem with the team offering him a 1 year contract as a thank you for all he did for us in 2009, but...I wasn't expecting a whole lot from him with his age and the type of surgery he's returning from.

But, I hope with his savvy and smarts he'll be able to snag an INT or 2 in the nickel package in the postseason. Would be a fitting way for him to end his career.
I think both have been effectively replaced, and neither is the guy they used to be. Jenkins will be a pro bowler for years to come and Graham has established himself in this offense as the preferred TE target. You are right about Shockey lacking the fire you usually come to expect with him - he has been an emotional catalyst in previous years, but he hasnt been the same this year.

I agree I think Jenkins, and Graham are the future at these 2 positions for years to come. While Sharper, & Shockey might still prove to be valuable for this post seasons play-off run with their experience.... I think their best years are behind them.
Isn't Sharper really close to breaking the record for int. yards? One more game this year with one more decent return and I think it's his.
This is where it's hard to be like the Pats. The pats have no problem trading away players in the latter years of their career They never overpay for them. Fans like me want to see the guys for "one more year" just like with Deuce. I think this organization will know when it's time.

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