Shockey on ESPN's First Take (1 Viewer)


SR is my life!
Jun 12, 2008
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Tulsa, OK

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For one, i think many wouldn't mind skipping a division champ title if it would mean sticking it to the Falcons on their own field, winning both the NFC and a back to back Superbowl against the Patriots out of all teams, the very team Payton talked so much about. It would be an undeniable effort. And for sure a mini Saints dynasty.

If that's a result of playing "under the radar", fine with me. The immense eat-that-crow factor would drive the media insane. :9:
For one, i think many wouldn't mind skipping a division champ title if it would mean sticking it to the Falcons on their own field, winning both the NFC and a back to back Superbowl against the Patriots out of all teams, the very team Payton talked so much about. It would be an undeniable effort. And for sure a mini Saints dynasty.

If that's a result of playing "under the radar", fine with me. The immense eat-that-crow factor would drive the media insane. :9:

:jpshakehead: I would mind. I would rather have a divisional champ title and an 1st rd bye every year than a regular season win against any opponent
I like Shockey as much as the next guy but he sucks at interviews.
For one, i think many wouldn't mind skipping a division champ title if it would mean sticking it to the Falcons on their own field, winning both the NFC and a back to back Superbowl against the Patriots out of all teams, the very team Payton talked so much about. It would be an undeniable effort. And for sure a mini Saints dynasty.

If that's a result of playing "under the radar", fine with me. The immense eat-that-crow factor would drive the media insane. :9:
Well, *first and foremost* I want the division and #1 seed.

*IF* we cant have that, I personally want us to be the ones sending the Falcons packing.
:jpshakehead: I would mind. I would rather have a divisional champ title and an 1st rd bye every year than a regular season win against any opponent

I'm with you there all the way, but under the assumption that the Saints are forced into a WC game, despite their best efforts, and things develop beyond their control. It's safe to assume that many would soon forget that division title when a NFC championship has been won. The road to that particular Superbowl will even have more value. Because it involves taking down the team you have a long standing rivalry with on their own field, and likely beating the Patriots or Steelers.

The "under the radar" thing comes to mind when everyone picks the Falcons. Judging from past games, the Saints have become experts in taking down the "inflated". :mwink:
I like Shockey as much as the next guy but he sucks at interviews.

He doesn't completely suck at them, he just seems kind of uncomfortable. On multiple occassions he interrupts Jay with his response, rather than wait for Jay to finish speaking.
I can related to him.
I was uncomfortable too.
When I asked this girl out.
And she told me quit your creeping me out.

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Just incase anyone wants to see it again.
He doesn't completely suck at them, he just seems kind of uncomfortable. On multiple occassions he interrupts Jay with his response, rather than wait for Jay to finish speaking.

Meh, I'd rather have someone genuine that a polished liar.
Love Shockey! He's just one of those down to earth guys. I think the interview was great.

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