Sign that I've gotten spoiled by this offense (and front office) (1 Viewer)

Mr. Sparkle

Disrespectful to dirt
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I was outraged, I mean, outraged, that Jimmy Graham got caught from behind on that 50 yard bomb.

Where's the speed, Loomis!?

Ultimate sign I've become spoiled - completely ignoring the fact the team is 9-3, already a winning season, but just focusing on the problems yesterday (ST, inability to finish, penalties, etc.). I've come to expect more but I see this as a good thing. This team has raised the bar to the point where we all expect more......
It's nice to have some old timers around to help bring us back to the ground, like the 9-3 thread the other day. Perspective is a good thing. This team is only going to get better with PT and Reggie and Sharp getting healthy just in time for this run.
The Cowboys, Vikings, Chargers, and Colts would all love to be 9-3. Winning will do this to you. I think us as fan should look at it like this.

It's a win!
Team can work/fix problems on D and penalities.
9-3 winning season
Excellent chance of getting into the playoffs
Great chance to still win NFC South
Ultimate sign I've become spoiled - completely ignoring the fact the team is 9-3, already a winning season, but just focusing on the problems yesterday (ST, inability to finish, penalties, etc.). I've come to expect more but I see this as a good thing. This team has raised the bar to the point where we all expect more......

Talk about spoiled. A guy I work with is ready to jump off the Patriots bandwagon cause he said they aren't doing that good. Hmmmm....A 9-2 team not good enough for you?

BTW, it's not a bad thing to mention areas that need to be improved. That's how you get better.
Ultimate sign I've become spoiled - completely ignoring the fact the team is 9-3, already a winning season, but just focusing on the problems yesterday (ST, inability to finish, penalties, etc.). I've come to expect more but I see this as a good thing. This team has raised the bar to the point where we all expect more......


There's nothing wrong with staying level headed and focusing on what we should improve on, just don't be cynical.
Talk about spoiled. A guy I work with is ready to jump off the Patriots bandwagon cause he said they aren't doing that good. Hmmmm....A 9-2 team not good enough for you?

BTW, it's not a bad thing to mention areas that need to be improved. That's how you get better.

Thats because he obviously does not no what it means to be a true fan. A true fan is a fan for life there is no changing teams or getting off the bandwagon.
I was miffed when he was caught from behind. Then I saw that it was a CB and I figured, OK, that makes sense.
Thats because he obviously does not no what it means to be a true fan. A true fan is a fan for life there is no changing teams or getting off the bandwagon.

Before that, he was 9ers fan in the 80s/90s.

Now he says he is going to dump the Pats after this year and go with the Jets or Giants. The kicker is that he has been talking smack all season long about how the Jets and Sanchez are garbage. :covri:

True definition of bandwagoner.
I am definately pleased with the progress of Graham and Ivory. They look like they are starting to feel like part of the team.
God forbid a 260 lb TE get caught from behind by a 190 or so DB...

Jeez what do you expect. :idunno:

Any DB should be able to catch ANY TE

Did you miss the sarcasm? It was in the fine print at the bottom of Sparkle's post.

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