We tailgate on Poydras close to the interstate, there is a small side street that runs parallel to Poydras and there is a median between this street and Poydras, that is where we tailgate.. At 12:00 games, if your there around 8 oclock, there are numerous places to tailgate. We get there about 8 oclock and its all the free parking you want.. But I'm gonna love all these late games this year... Its gonna be on like donkey kong....
I know I usually don't... Hard to do on a week day.... Monday night are the exception....
I usually bring my daughter to the preseason games, because my wife doesn't care for those games. plus its a hassle getting off work early and all that...
not much tailgating around the dome? Are you serious? Have you not been looking? There are a ton of areas where people tailgate. Any patch of green space or concrete is taken up. Under all of the I-10 and US-90 overpasses is a huge tailgating area (Northish from the Dome). If you get there early, you can even park for free before the State Troopers block off traffic on Poydras.
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St. Ward,
I could not agree more. There is Tailgating going on all over. I have a group that tailgates under the I-10 bridge right off the Poydras down ramp. We park for free every game. That whole area back there is full of tailgating. For a noon game, we usually get out there between 7:30-8am and there are alreay people out there tailgating. If u ever wanted to pick a year to tailgate this is the year with the awesome tailgating schedule. With only 2 games this year @ noon and the rest @ 3pm or later, this should make for an interesting year for fan behavior. There is always one in every group and yes we have one is ours. My wife is just thankful its not me...
the new orleans center parking garage was renting entire floors out last season for private tailgatin parties...they had the BBQ pits a cookin and the port o potties conviently placed.
Would be cool if we could rent a floor out...
Been a Saints fan my entire life, and just moved to New Orleans. Was able to secure a season ticket, but only one. Does anyone have an opening in their tailgate group for a lonely, lost fan such as myself? I am not a mooch and will provide my fair share if invited.
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