Tax Professionals! (1 Viewer)

Oct 28, 2007
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My wife is a teacher in Louisiana and I noticed on her stub, it doesn't state that SS taxes are withheld. Do gubbament employees not pay social security? I did a rough draft of our taxes to get a clue what we'll get back and when I do mine, I get back $2000. When I do her taxes, we owe $1400. We both file single and 0. I believe last year it was about the same, but we bought a house and vehicle, so we had some credits.

Is this right?
Sorry, can't help u, just wanted to bump this thread so someone else can help u.
My wife is a teacher and she doesn't pay into social security. They pay into a retirement fund instead.
My wife is a teacher and she doesn't pay into social security. They pay into a retirement fund instead.

Same with my wife. I work for the Federal Government and do pay into the social security system. I think most state employees don't pay into the system because they are paying into the state retirement system.
Same with my wife. I work for the Federal Government and do pay into the social security system. I think most state employees don't pay into the system because they are paying into the state retirement system.

It varies depending on your department. I work for the Fed Govt but don't pay in to SS, I pay in to a retirement fund instead.
How does that work come tax season? Am I able to put what she has paid into retirement on the taxes? I believe thats why it is saying we owe so much.
How does that work come tax season? Am I able to put what she has paid into retirement on the taxes? I believe thats why it is saying we owe so much.

I think it's saying you owe so much because the form is assuming you haven't paid any social security. Since she's paying into a separate retirement account, she should be exempt from paying social security. I'm not sure how that technically works, but that's the basic idea.
Louisiana teachers pay into a teachers retirement fund so they are exempt from ss tax.
I am a tax professional. Louisiana teachers do not pay into the Social Security System, so they will not be entitled to social security retirement when they come of age. Even if they were to work at another job for the requisite 40 quarters, and otherwise be entitled to social security, it would be at a substantially reduced rate because of the so-called Windfall Tax provision. She would be entitled to a widow's portion of your social security upon your death, regardless of the Windfall Tax provision.

When you complete your tax return, report only the income reported in block 1 of the W-2, which is adjusted for any tax-deferred income she may have paid, and of course taxes withheld on page 2 of the return.

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