Th Enema Game [tm] (1 Viewer)


Gold VIP Contributor
Aug 1, 1997
Reaction score
Bethesda, MD
So, if we're going to lose a game, I suppose it's best to do it on a day when NOTHING'S going your way - penalties, turnovers, reversed calls, freak interceptions/receptions, bad decisions... Something was inside us that just wasn't sitting right. We needed a cleansing. So let's just say that this was The Enema Game. We got all of that bad stuff out of our system. We're feeling clean, fresh and rejuvenated. Spry on our feet with a lightness in our step. Let's wash our hands of this ordeal and move on and devour the rest of our opponents.
If StarGazer was still around to read the Saints astrological chart, he'd probably say that it has something to do with our upcoming transition into our new astrological year as our birthday coming up on Wednesday. Hopefully it's the release of any remaining negative energy from last year.
As a friend of mine told me after the game...We made love to the Ravens tonight...only we werent the man.
The thing which surprised me the most was the penalties! I thought coach Payton is a disciplinarian, and he doesn't tolerate this kind of dumb behaviour.....yet, it happened today at an alarming rate! many penalties did we have?...a bunch for sure! what was the reason? was it the rust of the bye week, or the lack of concentration by the players? this will have an adverse effect on our team, if not reversed.......once the players won't get disciplined....were back to the "player's coach" approach, which is a dead end......just ask Haslet!
yeah, the penalties were odd for THIS Saints team. But the pre-snap ones, the kind that make Payton's head explode, were pretty much just in one span in the first quarter and they stopped. if Payton becomes a players' coach a la Haslett, I'm done. I don't see it, though.

Everbody gets a mulligan.........let's hope we're "cleansed" of our sloppy play.
The thing which surprised me the most was the penalties! I thought coach Payton is a disciplinarian, and he doesn't tolerate this kind of dumb behaviour.....yet, it happened today at an alarming rate! many penalties did we have?...a bunch for sure! what was the reason? was it the rust of the bye week, or the lack of concentration by the players? this will have an adverse effect on our team, if not reversed.......once the players won't get disciplined....were back to the "player's coach" approach, which is a dead end......just ask Haslet!

IMO, a lot of the false starts on the O line was the result of our inexperienced O line dealing with a top 3-4 defense (I'm not really counting the game against Cleveland's 3-4). Our big, but young, O linemen had to deal with more athletic pass rushing LBs... they got "jumpy".

Hopefully this game will prepare them for the Steelers defense.
If StarGazer was still around to read the Saints astrological chart, he'd probably say that it has something to do with our upcoming transition into our new astrological year as our birthday coming up on Wednesday. Hopefully it's the release of any remaining negative energy from last year.

I have to admit I have thought about stargazer's posts a few times since halftime today.

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