The Brees dilemma...Part 2? (1 Viewer)

Cajun Chat

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Jul 9, 2001
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It certainly looks like we are heading into another off season standoff with Drew, which frankly kind of sucks. As it stands he is signed through the 2017 season, which he will turn 39 in Jan 2018.

If I'm Loomis, I'd put this to bed and re-up Drew for 2 additional years through age 41. It's a lot to ask but as we've seen DB is already breaking down the common thought process for an aging QB.
It certainly looks like we are heading into another off season standoff with Drew, which frankly kind of sucks. As it stands he is signed through the 2017 season, which he will turn 39 in Jan 2018.

If I'm Loomis, I'd put this to bed and re-up Drew for 2 additional years through age 41. It's a lot to ask but as we've seen DB is already breaking down the common thought process for an aging QB.

There is no dilemma. Sign the man. I would rather take the risk of him being a bad contract and paying him for years after he is gone over Jarius Byrd or Junior Galette any day.

That said, I think Drew will be just fine.
Brees is under contract until the end of next year. Not automatic triggers hit until the end of the 2017 season. Why is this a concern now?
No offense, but I just never can get too worked up about Loomis's to do list. I see folks who get mad at Loomis, others who get mad at the player. I know I no little about negotiations on specific contracts, and probably less about the long term plans for the big picture so I don't see the point in worrying about it.

Having said that, no harm in having a friendly discussion as long as no one strokes out.
lol is and Brees have already proven on more than one occasion that, despite what the media says, they'll get the contracts done when they need to be done. I refuse to worry about this. And, frankly, I believe doing so would be silly.
There won't be a standoff. He can't be tagged, so either they re-do his contract before March 2018, or he leaves.
Brees is under contract until the end of next year. Not automatic triggers hit until the end of the 2017 season. Why is this a concern now?

Well we already made the huge mistake of not taking care of his extension this past off season. We could have restructured and had a bigger splash in free agency, which we now see is probably the difference in being 4-6 vs 7-3.

Now we are dealing with Drew Brees potentially coming off his best statistical year of his career (has a very real chance of achieving his highest qb rating ever based on the remainder of our defensive opponents).

The cost of negotiating a longer term deal has now gone up. Good luck dealing with that.
Well we already made the huge mistake of not taking care of his extension this past off season. We could have restructured and had a bigger splash in free agency, which we now see is probably the difference in being 4-6 vs 7-3.

Now we are dealing with Drew Brees potentially coming off his best statistical year of his career (has a very real chance of achieving his highest qb rating ever based on the remainder of our defensive opponents).

The cost of negotiating a longer term deal has now gone up. Good luck dealing with that.
It's not really an issue. The contract automatically voids on the last day of the league year. There is no base salary associated with his contract in the final three years, but there are dead money figures.

All the Saints have to do is "renegotiate" his contract to include paying him those same dollars as salary, and drop the "void" clause. I really think this is a very simple move, assuming Brees maintains this level of play well into next year.
I'm sure most people feel like me, but I don't want to see Brees gone until we have a true successor to replace him. I know it's far and few that will be the next Brees, but I just want to see our team with another great QB. Even someone with at least 70% of Brees' caliber would make me happy.

I think if Brees continues to perform well, there is no doubt in my mind that the Saints will renegotiate his contract. I'm not worried at this point in the game. Now, next year week 17, I would be worried if a deal isn't at least part of discussions with a contract extension.
I don't see the issue with just signing him to whatever the market dictates. Are we worried about a bad contract and why are we spending so much time trying to get him right up to the edge of his playing ability? Gallete, Byrd, Browner, Fleener, ect ect. We're not short on bad contracts in the past....why are we so concerned with doing everything possible to get Drew's right? Seems pretty ridiculous considering who we're talking about. Just pay the single biggest FA signing we've ever had and lets move on to more important how to get our special teams out of 3A ball.
They're not letting him go, he doesn't want to go, why are we still talking about this?

He's either going to go into that offseason having just broken the NFL all-time passing record, or just about to do it in the first couple games of the next season. Either way, not signing him would be a total PR disaster that they would never invite.

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