The Breonna Taylor Murder (1 Viewer)


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Aug 1, 1997
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The People's Republic of Indianastan
Police conducted a no knock raid at an apartment. They claim that they were looking for a suspect who was already in their custody.

They burst in the apartment and blindly fired 22 shots. They hit Ms. Taylor 6 times and missed 16 times, sending bullets into neighboring apartments. Ms. Taylor's boyfriend didn't know who was shooting and retrieved his weapon and fired back. He shot a cop in the leg.

Her boyfriend was charged with murder and assault.

In an amazing stroke of bad luck, all of the officers body cams quit working at the same time.

A judge saw through their mess and released the boyfriend to home confinement.

The police union claims that the judge released a murderer.

We need to get rid of qualified immunity laws.

Also, if you are a police office and you get shot in a no knock raid, there should be no penalty for the shooter as they are defending their home from invasion.

I agree with this completely. If anything, the cops should be the ones charged in this case.
I am just curious... Did the police find any narcotics at the Apt or not? The article does not say.
I am just curious... Did the police find any narcotics at the Apt or not? The article does not say.

No, they were not.

But a lawsuit filed against the Louisville Metro Police Department claims the officers weren't looking for Taylor or her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. And no drugs were found in their home.

No knock raids need to be much better vetted it would seem. I'm not sure they should even be allowed tbh. Seems like an over-zealous tactic which needlessly endangers lives of both the officers and suspects.
No, they were not.

No knock raids need to be much better vetted it would seem. I'm not sure they should even be allowed tbh. Seems like an over-zealous tactic which needlessly endangers lives of both the officers and suspects.

At the very least, it's got to be narrowed down substantially. Don't judges have to sign off on these. Doesn't he/she have to do a level of due diligence before approving these warrants?
At the very least, it's got to be narrowed down substantially. Don't judges have to sign off on these. Doesn't he/she have to do a level of due diligence before approving these warrants?

Judges have qualified immunity also. There need to be consequences for these mistakes for police and judges.
We need to get rid of qualified immunity laws.

Also, if you are a police office and you get shot in a no knock raid, there should be no penalty for the shooter as they are defending their home from invasion.
That's the case in Indiana. I guess that Tennessee doesn't agree.
If the body cams are off, I'm gonna go ahead and assume the cops don't want people to see what they're doing. Either they leave the cameras on, or they don't get the benefit of the doubt from me.
I agree. Sounds like they messed up big time and someone stood up for themselves under the impression they were being robbed. I would have done the same.

As a former military police, these officers give the good ones a bad name. If new evidence comes out, I will stand corrected but this doesn’t look good at all.
Maybe it is all the Netflix and Movies that we have been watching lately but that smells 100% like a Hit that was under the disguise of a No Knock Warrant.

If it comes out that the EMT was about to be a Whistler Blower against a local official or the Clinton's I think that I would lose my mind.
I know that the reporting started early in the timeline but it bothers me how the story is changing for both sides.

This quote:
"The family’s lawsuit, filed April 27, alleges that the officers not only went into the wrong home but were seeking a suspect who had been arrested earlier in the day and was already in police custody at the time of the shooting."

And this quote:
"At the same time police entered Taylor's apartment, police officers across town were executing a separate search warrant at the "trap house" in the Russell neighborhood."

Was he arrested earlier in the day, or at the same time?

I also see inconsistencies like this talking about the search warrant that they got after the incident.

"The statement in the search warrant also incorrectly names Taylor as the "subject" armed with a gun who fired a shot that hit a detective."

In one of the early stories, the cops had cameras but they all stopped working. Now all stories are that they don't wear them.
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