Scorpius the Allfather
Dream Theater fanatic/ghost
No, it's completely classless and bordering on evil to mock someone over a natural disaster.Words mean absolutely nothing to me (personally). There’s nothing that a stranger can ever say to me, to hurt my feelings. I expect fans heckling visitors. As long as someone doesn’t touch me, I’m cool. I’ve seen Raiders fans beat each other up, over nonsense like arguing about player’s stats. However, sorry if those Washington fans made your experience an awful one. I’ve also been to their training camp a couple of times (went to see certain players and support some Redskins (fans) buddies of mine). They never gave me any trouble, even with my FDL ink out in the open. I once had a Colt Brennan jersey (my ex wife is from Hawaii and she got it for me) wanted to get signed. They apparently only allow a handful of players to interact with fans. However, the fans got Colt’s attention for me, they ushered me up to the front by the gate, he made his way over, and had a conversation when he wasn’t allowed to, even signed the jersey. I give them mad props for that. Most fans wouldn’t do that