The Future of Prisons??? (1 Viewer)

It's the parents who created the time out generation. Just like it's the parents who created participation trophies not for their children, but for themselves because they can't bear the notion the little Ashton a) stinks at sports, or b) just doesn't want to play sports.

Yeah, because the kids from the beat their arse generation made such a wonderful world.
No, we need to collectively get over our punishment fetish
Let restorative justice be between offender and offended (with mitigator) and we can move past the public spectacle of crime and punishment
Sounds great, I’m all for it, but until corporate America finds a way to privatize and monetize it, it can’t happen.
Let me exaggerate and push your metaphor a bit
What if the offender was drugged or under hypnotic control (winter soldier like) and they were compelled into their heinous crimes by some outside entity
You could use the brain rescrambler to break the hood the entity had
Would you still want them to sit in prison thinking about the crimes they may not be fully aware they committed?
In this scenario.... Bill Cosby should be castrated.
how much did it set you back? asking for a friend.
I have friends that use VRChat.. and when they were long distance dating... they just used VRChat to snuggle and I assume "phone sexy times"... They didn't tell me this directly.. but they showed me some places in VRchat designed for such activities.

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