The Refs Were Bad In Saints/Chiefs Game (9 Viewers)

The refs (and announcers also) were incredibly biased in the game. Really frustrating and I don’t know how a team can beat that.
But in all fairness, in this play, I think the refs just messed up the number. It should have been against 90 (Breese) who held KC number 65, preventing him from getting to the next level and blocking Orji. So TECHNICALLY it was holding. But the is never called.**

** “never” in this context only includes teams not named “chiefs”

Yeah, I thought there were some calls that could have been made, and some that should have been let go. (Though IMO this did not cost the Saints the game.)

But in this case, they simply got the number wrong. Breese is clearly holding the guard (as taught FWIW) to prevent him from getting the linebacker at the second level. Granderson just happens to dart behind him at the end and the ref probably caught a glimpse of the wrong number. Chalk this up to right call, wrong person.
We really blaming bad officiating, Maybe if we were 4 and 1 but you can't do that when you're currently one of the worst teams in the NFL.
This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. No one is blaming the refs. They have clearly stated that the refs didn't cause us to lose the game. Everyone is simply pointing out that the refs were biased. That is completely true, and it doesn't matter if you're a good team or a bad team. We were a good team a few years ago, and they were still biased against us. We even missed the Super Bowl because of it.

It's all about money. Referees "nudge" games in the direction preferred by the NFL. Good teams can often overcome it. Bad teams cannot. If you think things are bad now, just wait. We're only a couple years into the legal gambling and casino sponsors. As that market continues to grow, the NFL will continue to deteriorate.
The refs are bad every game. It's a given for every team. Sometimes is goes more heavily to one side or another. I don't think there is any conspiracy against the Saints. Some players might be watched more closely because of reputation, but that's all I think there is.

This game it hurt more because we played terrible and we don't want to blame only our players and coaches so we need to throw so shade to the refs. I get it. But I wasn't watching it that way. I was watching a lot of lack luster line play on offense and defense.
The game is filled with the best most explosive athletes in the history of the world. The rule system is complex sometimes ambiguous and often over legislated. There aren't enough refs. We don't use enough technology. Your subjective point of view. The faulty idea that they can or should be perfect. All of these are major reasons why you are incorrect. Also it's curious that at some point there is this same post on 31 other NFL message boards and in fact on every single sports team all the way down to a u5 soccer game where the ref is 10 and they don't count goals say the exact same thing.
All that being said, the NFL is about making money from a violent often dangerous game. The charity, the allegiance to a city/team/fanbase, the spectacle all of that is nonsense and while it can be quite fun and it can feel true to you, none of it ultimately matters when stacked against the idea that all of it is/was/will continue to exist to make money. Yes, the refs could be better. They could take 10 minutes after every play and analyze each player individually, arses penalties, put ambiguous calls to a board that votes, and then go with the next play. That's silly you say. Why? Because it would take too long annnnnnnnd it's not about fairness or what's objectively correct, but about M O N E Y. I'm sorry it feels like the Saints were screwed and I'm sorry there are several major examples of the odds not going our way in the past, but it's an imperfect system where there job is to be mostly right. Honestly, bad calls actually promote more rabid fan bases and a stronger tie to the team and creates more talking points which in turn gives them a larger footprint which again leads to...(I'm going to keep saying it until you understand it).

Oh and conspiracy boys, stop. The logical ignorance in your subjective assumptions are silly. (I know most people post on here are fair and measured)
This is the craziest thing I've ever heard. No one is blaming the refs. They have clearly stated that the refs didn't cause us to lose the game. Everyone is simply pointing out that the refs were biased. That is completely true, and it doesn't matter if you're a good team or a bad team. We were a good team a few years ago, and they were still biased against us. We even missed the Super Bowl because of it.

It's all about money. Referees "nudge" games in the direction preferred by the NFL. Good teams can often overcome it. Bad teams cannot. If you think things are bad now, just wait. We're only a couple years into the legal gambling and casino sponsors. As that market continues to grow, the NFL will continue to deteriorate.

Kansas City has been getting favorable officiating for years now more so now with the Taylor Swift crap because of money. I know this so do a lot of other fans around the league if that is what you were going for, I get it. But some people are focusing way too much on the officiating for this game when the team itself is the problem. And yes, I know about the officiating against us we all know the 2018 NFC Championship screw up. But this team has much bigger problems than officiating right now.
We have to stop blaming refs and injuries.
The refs in no way decided that game. We played terrible on both sides. However, it is laughable how much the Chiefs get away with on a weekly basis. There was a play where Granderson was being pulled from behind for 3-4 yards in front of the ref and no flag. Another time, a defender was rushing and his jersey was literally pulled back and started to tear and no call. Olave was clearly interfered with and the call on Adebo was pretty petty.
At the end of the 3rd we pull to within 3. Then we give up a thirty yard KO return and and 60+ yd pass and I don't know because I turned it off because I know what's going to happen. I'm over it. (I already was but this just iced it for me)
There were a number of calls that didn’t get called while there were a number of calls that shouldn’t have been called.

Case and point:

Towards the end of the game a db tackled Olave before the ball got to him, but the refs didn’t throw a flag. Troy “CTE” Aikman joked, “yeah, these refs just want to go home.” Hardy har har.

However earlier in the game the refs called holding on the Saints when they were on defense, and they were defending against a run play. How does one get flagged for holding on a run play?

The refs didn’t cause the Saints to lose, but they certainly greased the skids to it inevitably happening.

The guy he is pointing at (Granderson) did not get held.

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