The solution on how to deal with Roddy White on Monday (1 Viewer)


Mar 8, 2010
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For one game, just resign Steve Gleason!! He'll be able to easily take care of White.

And in a totally unrelated interview, former Panthers defensive end Kemp Ramussen would describe the signing as "almost a punch in the gut" and "ballsy."
Im not worried about Roddy I'm worried about Tony. I recall him killing us the first game.


Now after actually reading your post... I see what you did there.

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the way I see it we have 3 concerns
Roddey White
Michael Turner
Tony Gonzales

anyone who thinks other wise is drinking too much of the koolaid
For one game, just resign Steve Gleason!! He'll be able to easily take care of White.

And in a totally unrelated interview, former Panthers defensive end Kemp Ramussen would describe the signing as "almost a punch in the gut" and "ballsy."

:worthy: easily the high-brow post of the day
It all starts with Turner. You shut him down and Ryan has to put the game on his shoulders, which he can't do and win.
I think the best way to handle Roddy White is to just give him a hug. He needs a hug, and he would never expect that.
Personally, I'd be more concerned with Turner and Tony G than I would be about Roddy. But, that's just me...
Not really tripping about Roddy. What did he have last time? Couple catches for 49 yards and a TD? One coming when MJ was still learning the ropes at FS.
Have we met?


(and there aren't many pictures of him in 33)

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