trying to be humble but i won the game today with the 'freeze" play (1 Viewer)

st dude

The dotless one
Super Moderator
Diamond VIP Contributor
Feb 1, 1998
Reaction score
Its the third quarter. I am watching the game with my two sons and their two friends. As is customary I have control over the tivo remote.

Vick goes back to pass. He lets a long one go and as soon as it leaves his hand I yell "freeze play" and pause the play with the ball suspended in mid air just out of Vick's hands.

Well my oldest goes nuts. "Start the play" he yells. I calmly told the crew to keep their shirts on as I started the play in super slow motion. The debate began as we watched frame by frame. Its overthrown was our first thought.

Then Roddy White came into the picture. At first he looked covered but as the ball came to him underthrown and the saints defender over ran the play, it appeared it would fall into Whire's his lap at the ten. My oldest blames me for freezing the play. I confess a moment of despair as I figured White would not only catch the ball but likely cut back across field and score as the defender had badly over ran the ball.

Frame by frame the ball came closer to White and White closer to the ball. Then the ball dropped into his lap and the angry crew of boys turned on me for freezing the play. But wait. Another frame goes by and White seems to have lost the handle. In the next frame the ball is clearly out, in the next its near the ground. I then hit play as the ball hits the ground and we are all rewarded with the beautiful sounds of a collective groan in the Georgia dome as the tivo goes back to real time.

And I, the freezer, have gone from goat to hero. You see, my first born son doubted me when I taught him to turn down the sound for key field goal attempts by the saints. Now he cant listen to a field goal, he makes me turn down the radio.

We also now have the "freeze". The same group of boys that groaned when I froze Vicks pass later beseeched me to freeze a key third down pass by Brees in the fourth quarter.

I warned them you had to be selective with the 'freeze' but I agreed it was the right time. Drew was in a nice pocket and released the ball just as the pocket collapsed. I froze the ball a couple feet out of his hand and surveyed my group as to what they though would happen. We all agreed the ball had been thrown as if Drew had an open receiver. So I started the play back in slow motion, frame by frame.

The cheering increased with each frame as an open Joe Horn came into the picture. He had run an out but then curled back inside. Horn and the pass were on a collision course as each frame went by and my group were now firm believers in my 'freeze' play. Horn would not drop this pass we all knew as it neared him. Just as Horn cradled in the ball I hit play on the tivo returning it to full speed just in time to hear that glorious groan from the falcons fan as Horn made the first down.

The "freeze" had come through again and I was rewarded with a hearty round of high fives.

People, it just dont get no better than watching the saints beat the falcons with your sons and their friends congratulating you for making it happen. No sirree. It gets no better. And dont try and tell me it wasnt me freezing the plays at the right time that made the difference. It was the "freeze" that did it. Ask my boys, they will tell you.
lol, its like the commercial with the boy watching football with his dad

"I can *snap* freeze time (game action stops)"
Such an awesome post!

I need to try that. I always stand up when Brees airs one out. I always get that secure feeling when he goes deep... I get the same feeling when JaMarcus does the that too. Their deep balls are so clutch.
Similiar to the "JINKIES" at my homestead.

Only to be used a few times a year, if you see an opposng kicker line up for a crucial kick you MUST run up to the TV and touch the kicker and yell "JINKIES".

They always miss.
Similiar to the "JINKIES" at my homestead.

Only to be used a few times a year, if you see an opposng kicker line up for a crucial kick you MUST run up to the TV and touch the kicker and yell "JINKIES".

They always miss.


Watts, touching an opposing kicker and yelling "jinkies" is about the dumbest thing I ever heard.

I think I'll give it a try, though, and let you know if it works. :D

Watts, touching an opposing kicker and yelling "jinkies" is about the dumbest thing I ever heard.

I think I'll give it a try, though, and let you know if it works. :D

Sounds like someone watched one to many Scooby-Doo shows
St..... That post has sent a tear running out of my eye.... dripping in to this cold , frosty , celabratory Bud Light I am having...Thank you !!!
That is HILARIOUS!!!! I think you would be tied up and watching the game through a window if you did that to me.
st dude, you can try to take all the credit, but I KNOW that we won the game because my baby was wearing his Saints onesie and bib. He has worn it for every victory so far. Last week, he was in his church clothes until the second half of the game, and obviously you know what happened.

I am willing to give you a partial credit on the victory. ;)
st dude, you can try to take all the credit, but I KNOW that we won the game because my baby was wearing his Saints onesie and bib. He has worn it for every victory so far. Last week, he was in his church clothes until the second half of the game, and obviously you know what happened.

I am willing to give you a partial credit on the victory. ;)

I hope that kid doesn't grow too much before the Super Bowl!
I hope that kid doesn't grow too much before the Super Bowl!

Believe me, no matter how big he gets, we will make the onesie fit. Maybe even next season, too! :ezbill:

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