Um..Saints won...and everyone's mad? Geezzz Louiz.... (1 Viewer)


Dec 13, 2006
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Our Saints won!!! 9-3!! Yet all these threads are about the Failclowns wins, and darnt it, and gosh, oh shucks.... LOL Saints control their playoff push and NFC Championship mindset.....relax everyone...SP, GW and DB are in control. and are concerned about the Rams....not the failclowns.... everything will fall into place for the saints...

p.s. failclowns are starting to get dinged up...patience, patience...then travel to seattle, panthers twice...more dinged :)
i concur. if we win out we have the same record as last year... i still see falcons losing 2 more...
I'm fine. All I want is our boyz to get back into the playoffs. That's the first step to repeating. 9-3, it's all good.
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Sometimes this forum is :loco:. I'm ecstatic the Saints won today. There's not much we can do about Atlanta winning or losing. We should just enjoy watching our Saints play and hope they can run the table.

With that being said, I look for Atlanta to have a tough time in the Seattle game because it will be their 3rd straight road game. That's a lot of traveling and can really wear you out mentally
Yeah, we've won 5 in a row. It's funny in a way how high the bar is now for the Saints compared to previous years, which shows how far the Saints have come over the's kinda cool!:9:
oh, I forgot one main piece of the playoff push

Pierre Thomas...along with Julius Jones, Reggie Bush and Chris Ivory..

HAHAAHAHAHAHAH 4 Headed Monster!

Our Saints won!!! 9-3!! Yet all these threads are about the Faiclowns. wins, and darnt it, and gosh, oh shucks.... LOL Saints control their playoff push and NFC Championship mindset.....relax everyone...SP, GW and DB are in control. and are concerned about the Rams....not the failclowns.... everything will fall into place for the saints...

p.s. failclowns are starting to get dinged up...patience, patience...then travel to seattle, panthers twice...more dinged :)
I was just telling my Wife this,I didnt know winning a SB would change people i mean we did win,And a win is a win where im from.But some act like it not good,then think other NFL teams dont have good players,on there team:idunno:.Just look for the Win an not the blowout an you want be upset with a victory,there's alot of football knowledge on this board,an most have said ST's was bad today an there right,they cant put our defense on the short field,an today they did..Bottomline the Saints are 9-3 an moving on to the rams...

Sometimes this forum is :loco:.

The super-duper-mega homerism has really brought this forum down several levels. When I joined this site earlier this year, I did so after hearing such wonderful things about it. But over the course of such a relatively short period of time, this forum has really suffered. It's sad when there is such little tolerance for anything positive said about a team other than the Saints and that there can't be freedom of discourse and avatar display without the mods revoking privileges or banning people. :rant:
I dont know if people are on the edge of being upset even though we won or just upset that we had the game pretty much shut out and again allowed a come back, especially against a lesser team. I for one am estatic that we won, I nearly broke my girlfriends hand while watching those last few moments, especially when special teams allowed them to return it to the 50...AGAIN! But the end result is all that matters ultimately, sure you want to clean up the errors and penalties (and there were plenty), but as long as you get the win theres nothing really to complain about. After watching the atlanta/bucs game I was actually upset due to the fact it seemed that the bucs got robbed on that interception towards the end. But ultimately not even that matters, atlanta winning would have only had a gut wrenching feeling if the Saints had lost, and they didnt. Basically we are right back where we last week, Atlanta needs to lose one we need to keep winning..which is what were doing..=). New to the boards, but ive been reading for a long time. You guys are great.
Its funny a couple of months ago the 4 toughest games on our schedule were Dallas Pittsburg Cinn and Balitmore
So far the Saints won 3 with Baltimore to go
Saints fighting for not only the playoffs but once again HFA.
The only playoff team that has maintained their record
How can anyone be down about that.
Lombardi Gras wasn't a one time event. It will be repeated.
Throw me something Drew!!
What's wrong with being mad with the way we won? Can't we have a game or two that we fans can relax just a little. 100 yards of penalties and the opponents starting field position are enough to give me a heart attack.
during a 'normal' season, 9-3 and everyone would be slobbering all over this team, second place in the division or not

oh well. i suppose a super bowl win is a heckuva drug.

Our Saints won!!! 9-3!! Yet all these threads are about the Failclowns wins, and darnt it, and gosh, oh shucks.... LOL Saints control their playoff push and NFC Championship mindset.....relax everyone...SP, GW and DB are in control. and are concerned about the Rams....not the failclowns.... everything will fall into place for the saints...

p.s. failclowns are starting to get dinged up...patience, patience...then travel to seattle, panthers twice...more dinged :)

I dont want them dinged up, I want them to be beat up! :9:
Sometimes this forum is :loco:. I'm ecstatic the Saints won today. There's not much we can do about Atlanta winning or losing. We should just enjoy watching our Saints play and hope they can run the table.

With that being said, I look for Atlanta to have a tough time in the Seattle game because it will be their 3rd straight road game. That's a lot of traveling and can really wear you out mentally

exctly what I was thinking. Sea has SF this weekend and we have the Rams. If Sea wins and we do too, Sea could make a statement that their will be playoff ready against the clowns
The boys can use this to stay focused and not let up. Besides, it's good to see them on the other side of the comebacks after years on the other side of these kind of wins.

I'm encouraged by the fact that this year they've shown they have arrived as a team that can drive the length of the field at the end and win the game like great teams are supposed to do.

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