Were we passing a lot or what??? (1 Viewer)


VIP Contributor
Sep 3, 2002
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Just seemed like the whole game we were in PASS ONLY mode. I know we ran 29 times but when we had the lead and were trying to protect that we were still passing 75% of the time it seemed. We were running fairly well with both Deuce and Reggie despite his fumble.

Speaking of Deuce, he should be getting at least 70% of the carries with Reggie getting more passes. I know it takes away from the surprise element if opposing defenses know we'll run with Deuce and pass with Reggie for the most part but Deuce is a much better runner and we need to be CONSTANTLY feeding him the ball.

I know Payton wants to mix it up but it seems like Reggie is only coming along slowly in the run game with yesterday being the first time he was consistently running up the middle instead of running to the sideline.

Yeah we were. I liked how on a couple of drives, we were going (mostly) empty backfield and no huddle. We obviously knew what we could do to the Steelers and I credit Coach Payton with some tremendous offensive playcalling.


We spent a great deal of the game playing from behind. When playing from behind, you throw the ball. That's why QBs from losing teams often have really good fantasy numbers.
But when we had a lead we still were in heavy pass mode...so maybe it's b/c we had so much success passing but we were running the ball fairly well whenever we did run.
I really don't like it when Duece gets a nice carry and then goes off the field. You can't get in a good rythm that way. Reggie WILL be great someday, but he isn't right now. Sure, more reps will help him tremendously, but I think it's hurting Duece more.

Duece was having a pretty good game IMO. He was moving the ball real well and grinding out the yards. I was so happy to see him playing the way he did. But, after every decent Duece run/catch, he was replaced by Bush.

I don't care if Brees is having a career year (which is wicked cool), we can't rely on the pass all year (see Marino). WE NEED TO ESTABLISH THE RUN MORE.

Speaking of running more. When you run quite a bit, chances are that you are winning the TOP category. We are passing so much more, but we are still doing rather well in TOP. 47 pass attempts. 29 rushing attemps. 33:01 TOP.
>>I really don't like it when Duece gets a nice carry and then goes off the field. You can't get in a good rythm that way. Reggie WILL be great someday, but he isn't right now. Sure, more reps will help him tremendously, but I think it's hurting Duece more.

Hebert was speculating that they were using him more sparingly than usual because of concern for Deuce's knee. We need Deuce in order to win. And if we can just get a little here and there from him until later in the season/playoff time, I'm cool with that.

>>Hebert was speculating that they were using him more sparingly than usual because of concern for Deuce's knee. We need Deuce in order to win. And if we can just get a little here and there from him until later in the season/playoff time, I'm cool with that.<<

I agree that we need Deuce to win, but we didn't win. So if we are holding him out in hopes of using him in the playoffs, what happens if we don't make the playoffs? Was it worth it? I like Deuce and i think he is the much better runner right now, but if we don't make the playoffs then holding him out wasn't worth it. I don't want him to get hurt or anything i just think Deuce running the ball gives us the best chance for winning.
>>I really don't like it when Duece gets a nice carry and then goes off the field. You can't get in a good rythm that way. Reggie WILL be great someday, but he isn't right now. Sure, more reps will help him tremendously, but I think it's hurting Duece more.

Hebert was speculating that they were using him more sparingly than usual because of concern for Deuce's knee. We need Deuce in order to win. And if we can just get a little here and there from him until later in the season/playoff time, I'm cool with that.

I also got the feeling there was something going on with Deuce. They used him sparingly and used Stecker a bit more. I'm not going to second guess Payton. I think he will do what is best for the team.
I guess I keep forgetting about that cause he is running pretty good. Comeback Player of the Year???????????????
If Payton has reduced Deuce's carries to protect his knee, then that makes sense. I guess that's not something Payton and Deuce would ever admit to, though. However, I agree with those who feel like there are times when we need to try to pound the ball a little bit more. The way our D was playing yesterday, the best defense would have been ball control, and the way Deuce was running I thought he could have been used a bit more in the third quarter. I acknowledge that the turnovers were the biggest factor in yesterday's loss, but I too don't like to see Deuce go off the field after he's just picked up 4 or 5 yards on first down. Keep him in and either give him another carry on second down, or go play action. In fact, if we keep him in and defenses think we're going to handoff to him again, that would be the perfect time for a quick downfield strike through the air.
I'm of the opinion that if something is working you keep doing it until the other team stops it. We were moving the ball rather easily through the air all game long so I have no problem passing first and running second. What killed us was the turnovers yesterday.

I'm not sure but when Payton was in Dallas wasn't his job title "passing game coordinator". I thought I had read that somewhere. If that is the case then it makes sense he feels more comfortable calling pass plays.
We moved the ball rather well in the air yesterday, but Duece was moving the ball well too.

Hey, I'd call more pass plays too with the way it's working out up to this point. Even though we are passing more than running, we are still having long, clock killing drives.
We could have chewed up significantly MORE clock (scary, considering we had it for 33 minutes) had we re-dedicated to the run. More clock eaten by the offense = less opportunity for the defense to crap the bed

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