What is the contact information for the NFL league office? (1 Viewer)


May 19, 2007
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Saints fans, this team has taken kick after kick to the groin from the NFL for 43 years. And now we have learned that two of our boys and possibly one of our best ever players (and what's Jamar's situation, anyone?) have gotten the short end of the stick again, this time from the legal system. Regardless if today's ruling was legally correct, we need to make sure the NFL applies the same treatment to all players. No suspensions for anyone! The media doesn't care about us, so we Saints fans need to stand by our boys just like we did with Save Our Saints. We need to all pull together and blitz the NFL so they are publically shamed.

I couldn't find the contact info for the league, but someone else can I'm sure. So, who's with me?
The Saints have gotten shafted so many times by the NFL. Kyle Turley. Joe Horn gets tackled by a ref. That's just in the past couple of years. Are we going to wait and hope the NFL does the right thing, or are we going to speak out now?
im sorry, who of the 3 players that might be effected by the starcaps is "one of the best saints ever"
ahh ok forgot about him, i thought he was refering to charles grant:jpshakehead:
Nice idea, but unless your name is Jerry Jones, I doubt he will listen.

Unfortunately, I think Professor is right...

They have gotten too high on themselves to listen to the people who make them successful. It's the first sign of a coming collapse. Eventually it will come back to haunt the NFL, but it may take some time.

What's with all the naysayers? The doom and gloom? Is it really too much to ask to put forth just a bit of effort for your favorite team?

Email here : Roger.Goodell2@nfl.net

Send mail here : National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Call here : 1-212-450-2000
This is an issue of labor law and federal courts. The Saints players have no one to blame but themselves as evidenced by the hundreds of other players who did not take star caps. Each of the players suspended has a $60 million dollar contract or did at one point in their career. None of them should have gotten into this situation without reviewing what they were going to put into their bodies with their employer and thus the league. If they had and they had sanctioned the drug for any one of the players, the players would have a point. But the league and the player's union are both obligated to follow their labor agreement for the betterment of all players and the owners.

Yes, there seem to be disproportionate consequences potentially given a difference in Minnesota and Louisiana law, but that is a states issue that has affected countless other individuals on far more pertinent issues than playing football before.

My only hope is that the Saints players can either retroactively suspend Grant since he was hurt last year and if not start it game 1 in the easiest game on our schedule versus the Lions.
This is an issue of labor law and federal courts. The Saints players have no one to blame but themselves as evidenced by the hundreds of other players who did not take star caps. Each of the players suspended has a $60 million dollar contract or did at one point in their career. None of them should have gotten into this situation without reviewing what they were going to put into their bodies with their employer and thus the league. If they had and they had sanctioned the drug for any one of the players, the players would have a point. But the league and the player's union are both obligated to follow their labor agreement for the betterment of all players and the owners.

Yes, there seem to be disproportionate consequences potentially given a difference in Minnesota and Louisiana law, but that is a states issue that has affected countless other individuals on far more pertinent issues than playing football before.

My only hope is that the Saints players can either retroactively suspend Grant since he was hurt last year and if not start it game 1 in the easiest game on our schedule versus the Lions.

Yeah. Ok I don't know where you've been but they did that. They're getting the shaft about as hard as one can get "the shaft" (shut yo mouth). After all, Deuce McAllister himself sent it in for review, and it was approved.
The Saints have gotten shafted so many times by the NFL. Kyle Turley. Joe Horn gets tackled by a ref. That's just in the past couple of years. Are we going to wait and hope the NFL does the right thing, or are we going to speak out now?


How did the NFL "shaft" Kyle Turley?

And Joe Horn? Are you referring to 2001 when Phil Luckett accidentally ran into Horn on a flea flicker play against Carolina (in a game we won, BTW)? As dumb as Luckett's mistake was (and he was know for some whoppers), it was just a mistake...an error any imperfect human could have made. Are you seriously trying to say that an NFL official broke up a pass ON PURPOSE just to "shaft" the Saints?!? You seem to have a serious persecution complex.

In any case, here's the address...have at it...I'm sure some poor shlub at the League office will get a chuckle by reading your letter...:smilielol:

National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

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