What is the contact information for the NFL league office? (1 Viewer)

I agree, personally I think the NFL should have manned up when Duece filed his petition.
They darn well should have done the right thing and informed the players.

However as it turns out the Courts have ruled that the NFL can suspend the players without informing them as long as they follow the respective rules of the states the employees are employeed in.

Those rules were followed with the Saints players so they can get suspended.
Those rules were not followed with the MN players so despite Godells desire to suspend the MN players he can not?
So the question is should he still be able to carry out the rules against the players that he can carry them out against?
I say yes the Saints players cant use the lame excuse that the NFL didnt conform to MN law so they are immune to the limit of the contract which they legally breached.

I was making an analogy to the NFL as the judges here. They are the "authorities" in this case. Not the state or federal courts.
Is no one else concerned by the fact that the StarCaps bottle itself didn't even list bumetanide among it's ingredients? I understand the NFL wants to take a hard line on banned substances but for all those saying "it's up to them to know what they're putting into their bodies", what do you want the players to do? Buy an HPLC machine and do their own chemical testing on each supplement they take?

Personally I think it's StarCaps the NFL should be pursuing, not the players in this instance.

How did the NFL "shaft" Kyle Turley?

And Joe Horn? Are you referring to 2001 when Phil Luckett accidentally ran into Horn on a flea flicker play against Carolina (in a game we won, BTW)? As dumb as Luckett's mistake was (and he was know for some whoppers), it was just a mistake...an error any imperfect human could have made. Are you seriously trying to say that an NFL official broke up a pass ON PURPOSE just to "shaft" the Saints?!? You seem to have a serious persecution complex.

In any case, here's the address...have at it...I'm sure some poor shlub at the League office will get a chuckle by reading your letter...:smilielol:

National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
No, that is NOT what I said. Thanks a lot. Since apparently that isn't enough for you, how about all the league apology games from the Haslett era alone?

What a shame. A shining example of the (hopefully small) number of fans who have gotten all too spoiled the last couple of years. Make fun, whatever. Someone's got to shine a light on the cockroaches running the NFL.
what do you want the players to do? Buy an HPLC machine and do their own chemical testing on each supplement they take?

Yes. That's exactly what they want them to do
It doesn't matter what "this is an issue" of. The NFL has the power to not suspend the Saints, thus applying equal treatment to all involved.

This is an issue of labor law and federal courts. The Saints players have no one to blame but themselves as evidenced by the hundreds of other players who did not take star caps. Each of the players suspended has a $60 million dollar contract or did at one point in their career. None of them should have gotten into this situation without reviewing what they were going to put into their bodies with their employer and thus the league. If they had and they had sanctioned the drug for any one of the players, the players would have a point. But the league and the player's union are both obligated to follow their labor agreement for the betterment of all players and the owners.

Yes, there seem to be disproportionate consequences potentially given a difference in Minnesota and Louisiana law, but that is a states issue that has affected countless other individuals on far more pertinent issues than playing football before.

My only hope is that the Saints players can either retroactively suspend Grant since he was hurt last year and if not start it game 1 in the easiest game on our schedule versus the Lions.
It doesn't matter what "this is an issue" of. The NFL has the power to not suspend the Saints, thus applying equal treatment to all involved.

How would that apply equal treatment.

If you were suspended from your job becuase you took STARCAPS diaretic then you would be suspended regardless of the outcome of the MN players.

Godell is going to enforce the rules where and when he can. Why is that unfair?

He is doing his darndest to suspend the MN players, but MN law is getting in the way, not the other way around.

You make it sound like Godell is only trying to suspend the Saints players....thats not his goal.

The 2 wrongs make it right argument doesnt work.
Well I am all for anything anyone thinks they can do do help on the suspensions. I do not think the suspensions have anything to do with the saints being unfairly singled out by the league. I do not think the league has shafted the saints any more or less than any other team. That sounds very conspiracytheoristy to me.

I do think the football gods have shafted us many times. I just dont think thye are human or in the front office. The football gods are more like flying imps who delight in making us lose games in the most horribly ironic ways, like making a seven lateral touchdown and missing the extra point.
How would that apply equal treatment.

If you were suspended from your job becuase you took STARCAPS diaretic then you would be suspended regardless of the outcome of the MN players.

Godell is going to enforce the rules where and when he can. Why is that unfair?

He is doing his darndest to suspend the MN players, but MN law is getting in the way, not the other way around.

You make it sound like Godell is only trying to suspend the Saints players....thats not his goal.

The 2 wrongs make it right argument doesnt work.

This is not just "a job." This is a sport, a game, with business involved. You do not apply one punishment to one and not to another. It is an issue of competitive balance. You do whatever it is in your power to treat everyone equally. If the Vikings aren't suspended, neither should the Saints. It doesn't matter what he is "trying" to do. He is forbidden to suspend the Vikings. You can't just suspend the Saints when they did the same thing. The only crime they committed was playing for a team in Louisiana instead of Minnesota. I cannot believe anyone would defend the NFL on this. This is shameful.
Well I am all for anything anyone thinks they can do do help on the suspensions. I do not think the suspensions have anything to do with the saints being unfairly singled out by the league. I do not think the league has shafted the saints any more or less than any other team. That sounds very conspiracytheoristy to me.

I do think the football gods have shafted us many times. I just dont think thye are human or in the front office. The football gods are more like flying imps who delight in making us lose games in the most horribly ironic ways, like making a seven lateral touchdown and missing the extra point.

As far as I am concerned, it is both, but only one is the NFL's fault. I see that many fans are already forgetting. I hate to say it, but it seems we are perhaps due for another league apology game this season to wake us out of our slumber.

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