What would a Saints playoff berth mean (1 Viewer)


Super Forum Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
There have always been bad teams making the playoffs. But I do believe that parity, and nfl attempts to create parity and a lot of .500 teams to keep fans excited has simply made the game boring for the most part.
If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
If the season ended today, you might have a point. At this time, the Saints do not have a winning record, that's true. This does not mean, though, that they will have a losing record when the season ends.
If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
Am I missing the point to this post? It’s more than likely that it will take at least a 9-8 to make the playoffs so since when is that sub .500?
By the way I believe the Seahawks performed pretty well with a 7-9 record in the 2011 playoffs.
If the season ended today, you might have a point. At this time, the Saints do not have a winning record, that's true. This does not mean, though, that they will have a losing record when the season ends.
True, and my 18 year old 20 pound cat that’s half blind might catch a bird. Odds are roughly the same as the saints having a winning record, but I think I might still give the edge to my cat.
It would mean either getting up in the middle of the night or staying up really late (because the early Sunday playoff game - 8pm for me - always seems to go to one of the East winners) on a work night. Man, I'm gonna miss that if it doesn't happen this year.
It’s very unlikely a sub .500 team makes the playoffs. There’s a 7-6 team and five 6-7 teams for the last 2 spots. 2 of those 6 teams will certainly finish over .500, considering it’s only necessary to win 3 of the last 4 (for the five 6-7 teams) and just 2 of 4 for the 7-6 team.

And if a 7th team in the playoffs means the Saints have a chance, I like it. The 7th team keeps more fanbases interested for a longer time, a smart move by the NFL.

Always so much criticism of the NFL and much of it’s valid in my opinion, especially regarding officiating, but the NFL is as popular as ever, or making as much money as ever at least.

Maybe most can’t afford to go to games but I watch every game almost for free and it provides me with lots of entertainment. This very forum, where so many of us spend so much time, has its roots in the league.

None of this is to say the NFL can’t be better.
I agree with the original poster. Terrrible officiating along with who has the best qb have killed the sport. At the same time, Joe Flacco and kaepernick were both playing each other in the super bowl.

But the terrible officiating in the end is what really bothers me.
you know what would be some good icing for this season...

  • saints run the table 4-0
  • get in as the 7th seed (yes I know we get the 19th pick in the draft...but....)
  • saints are matched up #7 vs #2 on the road versus......the bucs who got the 2 seed
  • saints do everyone a solid and puts an end to them
  • Tom shuts it down
  • Bucs revert back to pre Tom chaos
  • Sean named Coach of the Year
Making the playoffs would exclude us from having to play in Goodell s travelling dog and pony show in Europe in 2022. Three games will be played in Europe so six teams will get the "honor" of uprooting for a week. 3 teams get the added pleasure of losing a home game...
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