What would a Saints playoff berth mean (1 Viewer)

It would mean (at least) one less week of off season.
A playoff birth is a playoff birth. Many of us are old enough to remember a time when making the playoffs really meant something. The Saints are a long shot to make the playoffs but if they do then I have no choice but to accept it. They could be one and done or they could make a run. But to win it all you first have to get to the dance. I'd rather have that small chance than no chance at all.

But I don't think we have to worry about the playoffs. Right now I think it's more likely that we'll find ourselves checking our draft order status than running playoff scenarios as the season comes to a close. It's an odd experience as a Saints fan. Usually right now I'd be worried about the #1 seed and rooting for other teams to lose to help our position. Yesterday I was just able to relax and enjoy a Saints victory. The wins are sweeter this year. Usually a win is just a sigh of relief while a loss is emotionally crippling for days.
True, and my 18 year old 20 pound cat that’s half blind might catch a bird. Odds are roughly the same as the saints having a winning record, but I think I might still give the edge to my cat.
true, but a lot of the teams vying for that 7th spot have broken wings and are flopping about on the ground squawking
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There really is no reason not to modernize officiating. With all the cameras you could have 21 or 15 officials in a booth, 3 watching each area of the field or specific matchups, buttons in front of them with every possible penalty. They can make calls almost instantly. If 2 of 3 press their penalty button it immediately goes to the referee on the field and he can throw the flag and announce the call.

That’s just one crazy, but I think doable, idea off the top of my head. There’re so many options to make officiating better with modern tech it’s ridiculous. There’s no shortage of money to do it.

(Also, make the officials explain all of their calls post game and mandate availability to the press.)
If this team gets into the playoffs, bypass the 5 years for Payton to get in the HoF.

I still think its unlikely, but this team has no business even being in the playoff conversation at this point. Every week he is having to fight and claw to find ways to use what he has on hand to stay competitive. An offensive minded coach, with virtually no offense and still making the playoffs would be the most impressive year on his resume, including the SB season.
If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
Mostly agreed. And the pricing out began a generation ago. Reached warp speed with the GODdell era, where we see it's indeed all about "moichandising," as Mel Brooks once said.

But I'm afraid we've seen the final victory of 2021. At least we'll have a fairly high first-round pick next year to try to win this rat race next season.
you know what would be some good icing for this season...

  • saints run the table 4-0
  • get in as the 7th seed (yes I know we get the 19th pick in the draft...but....)
  • saints are matched up #7 vs #2 on the road versus......the bucs who got the 2 seed
  • saints do everyone a solid and puts an end to them
  • Tom shuts it down
  • Bucs revert back to pre Tom chaos
  • Sean named Coach of the Year
If this is how the season works out for us (even if we go on lose the following game to the #1 seed), then I'm all for it.
If a this team makes it to the playoffs it would be another sign of the decline of the NFL. When sub .500 teams start making the playoffs regularly it just diminishes the whole idea of what means to be a playoff contender.

Combine that with the not just bad officiating, but the integrity of the officials concerning their impartiality, stupid rules making it near impossible to play D and the pricing the average fan out of the stadiums and you see a League that doesn't deserve the devotion of it's fans.

Free agency has made it almost impossible to keep a team together and the outcome is what we see today, mediocrity everywhere. There are very few good teams in the NFL anymore. It all comes down to the QB. What we're seeing in Tampa is like what you see in the NBA. Star players all flocking to a team to win a championship then moving on. It's why I quit watching basketball. And if it wasn't for the Saints I would have quit watching the NFL years ago.
So if the same type of players were flocking to New Orleans to win a title, would you stop watching football?
A playoff birth is a playoff birth. Many of us are old enough to remember a time when making the playoffs really meant something. The Saints are a long shot to make the playoffs but if they do then I have no choice but to accept it. They could be one and done or they could make a run. But to win it all you first have to get to the dance. I'd rather have that small chance than no chance at all.

But I don't think we have to worry about the playoffs. Right now I think it's more likely that we'll find ourselves checking our draft order status than running playoff scenarios as the season comes to a close. It's an odd experience as a Saints fan. Usually right now I'd be worried about the #1 seed and rooting for other teams to lose to help our position. Yesterday I was just able to relax and enjoy a Saints victory. The wins are sweeter this year. Usually a win is just a sigh of relief while a loss is emotionally crippling for days.
Agree totally -Being a competitive team in the last c10 -15 years on the back of Drew has spoiled us -this is/ was not the Norm -and we are seeing it now.
On the negative - a loss at an opportunity to get better via high draft picks because even if they make the playoffs they aren't winning the SB

On the positive- confirm that Payton is a HOF level coach and cement the winning culture in the lockerroom and live up to fan/franchise expectations.
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On the negative - a loss at an opportunity to get better via high draft picks because even if they make the playoffs they aren't winning the SB

On the positive- confirm that Payton is a HOF level coach and cement the winning culture in the lockerroom
If we draft between say 16th-18th is that really so much different than drafting say 10th-12th? How much a player ultimately contributes to the team seems like pretty much a crapshoot in such a small range.

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