Which top 5 draft pick is making the most impact? (1 Viewer)

What big money rookie is making the most impact?

  • Super Mario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reggie Bush

    Votes: 61 46.2%
  • Vince Young

    Votes: 17 12.9%
  • D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    Votes: 8 6.1%
  • A.J. Hawk

    Votes: 46 34.8%

  • Total voters

Pure Energy

Rethink Everything
Aug 24, 2002
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Somerset County NJ (via St. Mary Parish)
Here are the top 5 draft picks for 2006. We all know there are picks down the line such as M. Colston, Jahri Evans, etc. who are making big impacts; but let's look at the guys who signed for the big money this season. You know the ones draft fans spend 3 or 4 months discussing before the draft. Which of these rookies do you believe is making the most impact?

<table align="center" border="1"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#ccccff" valign="center"><td colspan="7"><center>2006

</center></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td colspan="7">
</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ccccff"><th align="center">Round</th><th align="center">Pick</th><th align="center">Player</th><th align="left">Name</th><th align="left">Team</th><th align="left">Position</th><th align="left">College</th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td align="left">
</td><td align="right">1</td><td align="right">1</td><td align="left">Mario Williams</td><td align="left">Texans</td><td align="left">DE</td><td align="left">North Carolina State</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ccccff"><td>
</td><td align="right">2</td><td align="right">2</td><td align="left">Reggie Bush</td><td align="left">Saints</td><td align="left">RB</td><td align="left">USC</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td>
</td><td align="right">3</td><td align="right">3</td><td align="left">Vince Young</td><td align="left">Titans</td><td align="left">QB</td><td align="left">Texas</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ccccff"><td>
</td><td align="right">4</td><td align="right">4</td><td align="left">D'Brickashaw Ferguson</td><td align="left">Jets</td><td align="left"> T</td><td align="left">Virginia</td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td>
</td><td align="right">5</td><td align="right">5</td><td align="left">A.J. Hawk</td><td align="left">Packers</td><td align="left">LB</td><td align="left">Ohio State</td></tr></tbody></table>
My vote is going to A.J. Hawk. This doesn't mean I'm hating on the other guys; it just means Hawk has made more impact at his position for his team. Hawk leads GB LB's in tackles and sacks. Also, GB's rush defense has improved from one allowing > 125 yds/game in 2005 to allowing < 100 yds/game in 06.
I'm going with Reggie....his presence has allowed the offense to open up. Plus he won a game with his punt return for a td. That game winning run against the bucs may turn out to be the difference between making the playoffs and sitting at home at the end of the season.

Reggie Bush is the best decoy ever. Well make that second best.

I am glad we drafted Reggie but I thought it was interesting that if the draft would have fallen as expected (Houston Taking Bush)we could have had both the Offensive and Defensive ROY in Colston and Hawk.

I doubt that any team has had both Offensive and Defensive ROY.
if reggie did get drafted, the saints were going to draft hawk.
I really haven't heard much about Ferguson, so I'm guessing he's doing just fine. But Reggie has had the biggest impact, of course.
It's hard to compare without watching all 9 games of every team. Young and Bush can be measured statistically, but as we know, Reggie's biggest help so far has been as a decoy and as a 3rd down weapon.

Linemen are graded on things that can't really be counted statistically. Just because Mario Williams isn't the top tackler on his team doesn't mean he's not playing well. He may be drawing a lot of double teams, which helps the other linemen. He may be holding containment really well and forcing the running backs to go up the middle and getting tackled by the linebacker.
Tennessee was 0-3 under Kerry Collins where they were always getting blown out vs 2-4 under Vince Young including 2 1 point losses to very good Indy and Baltimore teams. I would probably have to say Vince Young has had "the most impact". Kind of an unfair comparison with him being a QB though.

In all fairness though, AJ Hawk and Mario Williams have both really started to turn things up and are having good seasons. And while I haven't seen much of D'Brickshaw by himself he plays on an overall good o-line, so he can't be doing that poorly.

It would appear all 5 of the top 5 picks are doing well.
I voted Hawk. Partly because I'm a homer, and partly because Reggie has not started out well. In the long run Reggie could make a big impact. I'm just waiting till he get's it all together.
Perhaps I'm swayed in my thinking because we have 2 excellent DE's in Grant and Smith, a proven runner in Deuce, a Leader at QB in Brees, and a solid O-Line.

However, when it comes to the LB position, I'm salivating :a-table: at the prospect of having someone of A.J. Hawk's caliber
With all homerism aside, I would list them:

D'Brickashaw Ferguson
A.J. Hawk
Mario Williams
Reggie Bush
Vince Young
With all homerism aside, I would list them:

D'Brickashaw Ferguson
A.J. Hawk
Mario Williams
Reggie Bush
Vince Young

best list!

I cant believe no one else said D'Brick..
He's made a REAL difference up in NY...

And by the way Mark Anderson will be DROY
Pennington has been sacked 20 times and the Jets offense is 25th in the NFL. I'm not sure how people are concluding D'Brick is making that much of an impact in NY. However, I'm not disagreeing he's doing a good job, I just would like to see the basis for the conclusion that D'Brick is making any real impact in NY.

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