Why are people like this?

I'd like to think so, but i don't think its a deterrent for murder, i doudt it'd be a deterrent for this...
Castration may be a better deterrent.
i like that , but i just don't think sick people think about the consequences of doing stuff like this. if they were worried about consequences, they wouldn't do these things to begin with. casteration is a great punishment, i just don't think it'd be a deterrent..
i like that , but i just don't think sick people think about the consequences of doing stuff like this. if they were worried about consequences, they wouldn't do these things to begin with. casteration is a great punishment, i just don't think it'd be a deterrent..
The consequences usually aren't realized until after the deed is done and they have been caught, which is too late to prevent the deed. Like you said, I don't think the people that are this sick in the head worry or think about the consequences and are only worried about their own desires. But, if it doesn't work as a deterrent, it will at least keep them from being repeat offenders after the justice system lets them out on the streets again.
Random question but why are y'all so obsessed with posting all the preacher molestation headlines in here? This isn't new. Those of us not brainwashed, know that this is prevalent in religious factions.

As a follow-up to that, I just want to say that religious folks in this country are on a very slippery slope right now because every day more and more preachers, priests, etc., associated with religious institutions are being found out for the predators that they are and are also taking up positions in government; pushing bills and laws that allow for child marriage and/or are harmful to women.

IJS. Not trying to turn this political - but there aren't enough of the "good ones" speaking out against this stuff. Christianity in the US is rapidly being overrun by fundamentalists and it's really not a good look.
Random question but why are y'all so obsessed with posting all the preacher molestation headlines in here? This isn't new. Those of us not brainwashed, know that this is prevalent in religious factions.

As a follow-up to that, I just want to say that religious folks in this country are on a very slippery slope right now because every day more and more preachers, priests, etc., associated with religious institutions are being found out for the predators that they are and are also taking up positions in government; pushing bills and laws that allow for child marriage and/or are harmful to women.

IJS. Not trying to turn this political - but there aren't enough of the "good ones" speaking out against this stuff. Christianity in the US is rapidly being overrun by fundamentalists and it's really not a good look.
I Don't focus on the vocation of the person about whom the article is written. Those are the articles that I find. Lots of police and politicians make the news as well. I think that it's because regular person does bad thing doesn't get the same exposure as the other stuff.

I Don't focus on the vocation of the person about whom the article is written. Those are the articles that I find. Lots of police and politicians make the news as well. I think that it's because regular person does bad thing doesn't get the same exposure as the other stuff.
I guess I just don't understand the point of posting articles of depravity on here. We all know this sick ish is happening - if you don't, you're being intentionally naive. It gets posted and then it's like okay ...now what? Are we supposed to do something with that info?

I still go back to my point about "Christians" in this country. The good ones are too silent for my taste and for me personally, as soon as someone starts talking about god, Jesus, being a Christian or Catholic, I am beginning to lump them all together because the sane ones are just not pushing back on the fundamentalism or depravity enough for me to take them seriously.
the thread title is Why are people like this... its gonna involve a lot of depravity.... you take the info at face value and continue the question, why are people like this?
when people like this infiltrate positions of trust, escpecially trust of our children, they are the sickest of the sick.. and in a time when too many people worry about a man in dress reading books to children, these kind of articles need to be shown even more..

I Don't focus on the vocation of the person about whom the article is written. Those are the articles that I find. Lots of police and politicians make the news as well. I think that it's because regular person does bad thing doesn't get the same exposure as the other stuff.
I think the focus is on teachers and pastors because that is who we trust our children to the most.
the thread title is Why are people like this... its gonna involve a lot of depravity.... you take the info at face value and continue the question, why are people like this?
when people like this infiltrate positions of trust, escpecially trust of our children, they are the sickest of the sick.. and in a time when too many people worry about a man in dress reading books to children, these kind of articles need to be shown even more..
My point is, there are plenty of pedo posts in this thread and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who doesn't think that this ish is horrible - even a pedo themselves publicly would not say otherwise. So, after like the 30th pedo post, why continue to point them out? We know it's happening. When they are found out, get prosecuted or the institutions (schools, churches, etc) and politicians cover for a lot of them via religion, policy or bribes. What's new?
My point is, there are plenty of pedo posts in this thread and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who doesn't think that this ish is horrible - even a pedo themselves publicly would not say otherwise. So, after like the 30th pedo post, why continue to point them out? We know it's happening. When they are found out, get prosecuted or the institutions (schools, churches, etc) and politicians cover for a lot of them via religion, policy or bribes. What's new?
Same could be said about the Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Thread. we all know it happens with frequency...

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