Women in Combat (2 Viewers)

What was the governments official reason for not allowing women in these positions before? I could be wrong but I thought I remember hearing something many years ago that it was because the fear of them getting raped or some such thing if they were captured.

I'm all for letting women do anything they want, without having different standards. Someone earlier mentioned women getting drafted, if they weren't eligible before, throw them into that mix too.
What was the governments official reason for not allowing women in these positions before? I could be wrong but I thought I remember hearing something many years ago that it was because the fear of them getting raped or some such thing if they were captured.

I'm all for letting women do anything they want, without having different standards. Someone earlier mentioned women getting drafted, if they weren't eligible before, throw them into that mix too.

If that was the reason given, that's a copout. There are thousands of ways to be tortured if captured, man or woman.
So during regular training a woman can clench up the ole fun hole and stop the flow of blood?

I didn't believe it either, no kidding, but witnessed a female 1sg dressing down a female soldier on it, while I was at Airborne School. I went and looked it up, because this was needed information for a 2LT. Sure enough, there it was.

1SG was telling her that "Your body does what it needs to do for your survival!"

Now, what is the long term effect of a women in some of the units that I, and some others in here served, not sure. Guess those are studies that may be conducted in years to.come. But the body seeks homeostasis. If she is good enough, and the tasks, missions become less stressful.to her, without changing standards, well why not assume her body will begin to be normal again? Hell, I don't know.

Where is Dr. J., she can help with that.
I didn't believe it either, no kidding, but witnessed a female 1sg dressing down a female soldier on it, while I was at Airborne School. I went and looked it up, because this was needed information for a 2LT. Sure enough, there it was.

1SG was telling her that "Your body does what it needs to do for your survival!"

Now, what is the long term effect of a women in some of the units that I, and some others in here served, not sure. Guess those are studies that may be conducted in years to.come. But the body seeks homeostasis. If she is good enough, and the tasks, missions become less stressful.to her, without changing standards, well why not assume her body will begin to be normal again? Hell, I don't know.

Where is Dr. J., she can help with that.

You know Dr. J isn't really a doctor right? :hihi:
You know Dr. J isn't really a doctor right? :hihi:

Yes, he is. You can see right here where he was checking Larry Bird's tonsils.
What was the governments official reason for not allowing women in these positions before? I could be wrong but I thought I remember hearing something many years ago that it was because the fear of them getting raped or some such thing if they were captured.

I'm all for letting women do anything they want, without having different standards. Someone earlier mentioned women getting drafted, if they weren't eligible before, throw them into that mix too.

There is a point to be made here CB. One of the main things that hurts a unit, and it still does now, when females are introduced, are the charges of sexual harrassment/assault/rape and preganancy. Pregnancy is self-explanatory. You've been training and ready, but, now you have to lose a member to go give birth. As for the others: Often, commanders know when they have f'ups in their units, and possibly would not even invite those Soldiers over for dinner. But, when these guys can hump a .50 miles on end, and can still go hand-to-hand once on target...thats a huge loss, especially losing him because a female said...he touched my butt. Hell, most often we talk in nasty terms..."saddle up your ****, time to move". "Stop playing ****-**** games and get squared away" "Hey Shizz, you slide your **** in that thing we saw you with last evening"...culture change. Lets just be real, it can piss you off, and makes you want to ship the female over to finance or something. Thats why I said Big L had a good point.

But, do we close the door and dont give them a chance?
So during regular training a woman can clench up the ole fun hole and stop the flow of blood?

Stress can reduce the amount of certain hormones related to the menstrual cycle and thus delay it, but it's hardly some kind of absolute that can be turned on and off at will. Every woman has different psychological and biological reactions to outside stress, so anyone claiming that it's something that applies to all women in this situation has no idea what they're talking about.
So can women be drafted now?

The real question, seeing as how we value personal freedoms so much, is why we have a draft registration to begin with. Just because we were born here doesn't mean that I, or anyone else, should be forced to fight in someone else's war....male or female.
The real question, seeing as how we value personal freedoms so much, is why we have a draft registration to begin with. Just because we were born here doesn't mean that I, or anyone else, should be forced to fight in someone else's war....male or female.

... but then you would have to say that as a member of American society, you didnt have to enjoy all the benefits of being born here either. So, you could go live in another country too. I mean, you were just born here.
... but then you would have to say that as a member of American society, you didnt have to enjoy all the benefits of being born here either. So, you could go live in another country too. I mean, you were just born here.

So you agree with the draft registration? You think that because I enjoy all of our "benefits" (which is a very debatable term) that I should be forced to fight in a war without say? Like paying upwards of 30% of my income isn't enough, now I have to hope that our wise overlords don't decide to start another fight, reinstitute the draft, and send us off while they collect their countless deferments. Actually, not me, I did my nine years in the Marines, "earning" my freedom.

Freedom, another debatable term...
I am actually happy about this combat ban being lifted because I want true equality under the law, not this farce we have right now. If the draft stays in place, women need to be apart of it, now don't get me wrong, I am against the draft for both men and women(should they be made to sign up like men, if ever come to that). Nobody should be forced to fight in a war they want no part of unless their home has been threatened(USA invasion) and the conflict enters close enough where its defend your family or die.

Men should not be nothing more than disposable cannon fodder(which they have been with women being excluded from combat), if a woman signs up for military duty, she should be just as much at risk as everyone else. Men and Women are about equally convicted in domestic violence cases and they have proven perfectly capable of being just as brutal if not more brutal than men so why hasn't this ban been lifted years ago? Women are just as capable as men with pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger. Women are just as capable and lethal as a man with knives or other melee weaponry. Women actually represent a much larger population than men in college thus earning more degree's so we can throw out "men are smarter! herp a derp"

We have a long way to go in western societies to be true equals under the law, laws heavily favor women. If you need more proof, look at how corrupt the family court system is with things like no-fault divorce.

So I'm all for women who want to go blow stuff up if that is what she fancies. I think the bans should have been lifted years ago.
What was the governments official reason for not allowing women in these positions before? I could be wrong but I thought I remember hearing something many years ago that it was because the fear of them getting raped or some such thing if they were captured.

I'm all for letting women do anything they want, without having different standards. Someone earlier mentioned women getting drafted, if they weren't eligible before, throw them into that mix too.

The same reasons they gave for not allowing blacks into the military. Or racially integrated units. Or gays. Unit cohesion.

One of the reasons was the thought that women couldn't handle combat.
Another was that men would do stupid things to protect the women in their unit putting others and their mission in jeopardy.

Basically they decided women shouldn't be in the military and backtracked a reason for it instead of the other way around. Mostly because the military is highly conservative in that if it was done in the past they will keep doing it until it they get browbeaten into changing it.

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