Star Wars Question (1 Viewer)

Optimus Prime

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Jul 18, 1998
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I know that this question may have answers in the comics and books of the extended universe (now legends) and different answers from the books, shows and comics of the new Disney canon

But the question is this?

Who knew that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker when Vader was still alive?

We know the obvious ones

The Emperor

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Luke and Leia

I just finished one of Timothy Zahn’s new Thrawn books - Grand Admiral Thrawn figured it out

But beyond that?

Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru?

Maybe, maybe not

There was that look between the two of them when a Luke says he wished he knew his father

The look could be because they know about Vader or it could be we know his father is still alive and we’ve been lying to him his whole life and if Luke ever finds out we’re in deep shirt

Beru says Luke has too much of his father in him and Owen responds that’s what I’m afraid of

That makes more sense if they knew of Anakin’s fate

What did Obi Wan tell them?

Bail Organa?

Again it depends on what Obi Wan and Yoda told him - he knew that the babies were Anakin’s,

did he know about his joining the Dark Side - did anyone know that Anakin had survived at this point?

(Side Question- immediately after Revenge of the
Sith Kenobi went to Tatooine and Yoda went to Dagobah, doesn’t look like either had much contact with the outside after that

how did they know Vader survived and what he became? Just sensing through the Force?)

Grand Moff Tarkin?

Seemed chummy with Vader

“You my friend are all that’s left of their religion”

Vader has friends? Would friends know his secret? Like Batman knowing Superman is Clark Kent?

Tarkin also seemed to have power over him

“Enough of this! Vader! Release him!”

“I’m taking an awful risk Vader, this had better work”

Or else what? Who talks to Darth Vader like that?


Was his memory wiped when 3POs was at the end of Revenge of the Sith?
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R2 should have known and that’s a gigantic plot hole
In some books when Vader was new he was paranoid about a lot of the upper echelon of the Empire knowing (and some seemed to)

Aside from today did any of the Jedi council survive?
You'd think anyone in the republic who had any connection to the Jedi, like the senators, would all have known.
There is conflicting information on what Owen and Beru knew. The short story collection "From a Certain Point of View" implies they knew Anakin was Vader, but those stories are of "questionable" canonical value as the whole pretext for the book is unreliable narrators telling stories that may or may not be fully accurate.

The Star Wars comic from Marvel contains a scene where Owen confronts Obi Wan and tells him to stay out of Luke's life, and it seems Owen believes the official story that Anakin died at the Jedi Temple fighting clones.
One of the biggest issues is that the expanded universe created plotholes for the movies. Lots of people knew from the various tv series and books.
I guess I'm in the vast minority here.

I enjoyed "Revenge of the Sith".

Sure, it had clunky dialogue(but let's be honest, which Star Wars didn't?).

I thought the Anakin transformation to Vader scene was pretty powerful. And his murders in the temple were dark and unexpected.

I would place it third behind Empire and A New Hope.
R2 should have known and that’s a gigantic plot hole
In some books when Vader was new he was paranoid about a lot of the upper echelon of the Empire knowing (and some seemed to)

Aside from today did any of the Jedi council survive?

I’m assuming that Vader was the only Darth who was burnt to a crisp and needed head to toe life supporting body armor where a secret identity was even an option

Everyone would have known who every other Darth was before they turned to the dark side

Why was Vader so paranoid about it? Why would his identity even need to be a secret when no one else’s was?
I guess I'm in the vast minority here.

I enjoyed "Revenge of the Sith".

Sure, it had clunky dialogue(but let's be honest, which Star Wars didn't?).

I thought the Anakin transformation to Vader scene was pretty powerful. And his murders in the temple were dark and unexpected.

I would place it third behind Empire and A New Hope.

Easily the best of the three and the only one of the prequels that felt like “Star Wars” to me

Even though the actual turn to the dark side was weak
I’m assuming that Vader was the only Darth who was burnt to a crisp and needed head to toe life supporting body armor where a secret identity was even an option

Everyone would have known who every other Darth was before they turned to the dark side

Why was Vader so paranoid about it? Why would his identity even need to be a secret when no one else’s was?
Who’s everyone?
No one knew about Sidious

And I can’t remember all of the details bc I was reading it to my son at the time (and I remember ‘our loud’ books less for some reason)
The jostling if everyone under the Emperor was intense and there was something about his identity that would have made him vulnerable - plus he had snatched of memory that was already making him confused
Even though the actual turn to the dark side was weak

I thought it made sense and was well done.

He was tricked and gave up everything for his love of Padme.

I'm a romantic and I love dark movies.

Probably why a prefer "Empire" and liked "Sith".

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