The Demonstrations in Minnesota (Update: Now Nationwide){Now International} (3 Viewers)

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LOL, too funny San Pedro Sula is the biggest city but the capital is Tegucigalpa, I had an aunt and uncle who live there. My family is quite prevalent in government there, as a matter fact in the 70s one of my uncles with the vice president in in the 90s my cousin on my father side was the president, Manuel Zelaya, Look it up, he’s the one that the military came and kicked him out of the country in a coup.Funny thing is his mindset is similar to my mindset, we both believe in helping the indigenous population of the country but that’s a story for another time

I grew up going to Casa del Nino every year as my parents assisted missionaries at the orphanage there in LaCeiba. Small world!
Thanks for sharing. Yes I am a local and know the area you speak of and the history behind it. What you're referring to with your parents moving is "White Flight," which is another thing that has hindered progress and kept the racial divide prevalent in society.

A lot of the Westbank literally was built to take advantage of the demand generated by White Flight from the New Orleans area.
Did you find that article you asked me about?
Not allowing black U.S. citizens to buy real estate in the "white" areas of town is very well documented, not just in the South.

This is not anecdotal, and it's not about *my* ability to sell. This is how generational wealth has been denied to your fellow American citizens. I just assumed everyone was aware of this.
I am 1st gen in this country so I don’t have history here. I love history a lot but I can’t read up on everything hence my questions. It is really that simple. You can’t assume everyone will know what you know. Dialogue is needed so people can better understand each other.
The worst part about this entire Drew Brees dust up (from a football standpoint)- is that it has the potential to bring about the Jameis Winston era in Saints football very quickly... UGH
Laughing at the last part just to be clear. I just hate when friends air out issues like that but I get it, public figures and they put themselves out there.
Sure some can’t afford to move, some could save and eventually move, while others could move quicker. I get it, cost of living increase would increase but over times, one could invest in one self and make some options.

My mama came to this country during the Vietnam War from Guatemala and worked at DH Holmes (I think) to get into college and then one to become an anesthetist. My dad came from Costa Rica and joined the army and went to fight in the Vietnam War to make a better life for himself. My mama rented a room from his parents while he was in Vietnam. My wife’s dad came over with nothing from Honduras and made a good living for himself being a electrician. It is possible if you never give up. They dealt with a lot during that time but they still kept trying to make their life better. Particularly, there is some much more information today at one’s fingers than decades ago.

It's a different dynamic altogether. It's a different mindset altogether. The perceptions/generalizations are different too. I don't think there is a parallel between the Hispanic immigrant experience and the African American experience. "My family came from C.A. 40 years ago and made it" is very different from "my family has been here since the 17th century, and been oppressed, abused, and marginalized all this time".

You say your father went to Vietnam to make a better life for himself... do you know how many black people went to Vietnam, and when they came back, still no one would hire them because they were black? Do you know how many blacks didn't get any sort of real life skill training while in Vietnam because they were black?
PS have you eaten a pupusa?
I have. My friend from Oaxaca taught me how about a month ago. Did you use chicharones for the filling or is that an Oaxacan thing? Oh hey there was no way I was using chapulines. No way at all. Although I still do have to go to her parents house when they make them as they are going to do a good mole with chalupines as a cultural thing.
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Guys, I love Central and South American food as well including pupusas, but can we keep to the topic? Thanks. :)
thinking about it earlier, unpopular belief i am sure, but..

i don't completely understand the riots. i know the purpose, which i support (peaceful that is), but the true reason has given too many people an excuse to destroy property and loot.

when the mayor of the city, where the incident occurred, demands the officers involved be prosecuted, is in itself a progression forward not seen before.

i have no issues with protesting. why destroy local businesses? that accomplishes absolutely nothing but deter from the issue as why you are protesting. looting and vandalism are never good for anything. ever. show your support in protest, not destroying your home.

makes no sense to me at all. several people have definitely used this as an excuse to wreck havoc just because of anonymity.

the rioters towards police, the ones who don't give a sheet about human life (police and public servants), especially by driving through the protestors are completely fair game in my eyes.

not every police officer is bad though. i'm hoping at some point citizens realize and respect this. the good ones help protect society. the terrible ones, as this protesting is about, don't represent most of the police force. one bad seed, definitely not the only one though, reflect poorly on those that are honestly protecting us. i've worked with several. this is not the norm.

otherwise, i would protest too, just to be honest. please don't destroy your neighborhoods though.
Anyone ever been to a school board zoning meeting?

these seemingly minor things are major. Usually held at times poor, black parents can’t attend. And if they do, they have little agency.

When they are the visible minority, there’s not a lot of input many times and a bunch of Karen’s end up yelling and complaining and harassing the board to split neighborhoods and gerrymander a school district so their white kid doesn’t have to go to a school that a black or brown kid goes to.

In one case, a school with 12% black students was too “full of slower kids and discipline problems”

these decisions have ENORMOUS impact on racial segregation in our country. And it needs to end. It’s more urgent, imo, than the voting gerrymandering.

More equitable zoning. More equitable resource allocation. More equitable educational opportunity.

You want change for poorer schools fast?

Put Karen’s kids in them
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