The Demonstrations in Minnesota (Update: Now Nationwide){Now International} (4 Viewers)

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It's a different dynamic altogether. It's a different mindset altogether. The perceptions/generalizations are different too. I don't think there is a parallel between the Hispanic immigrant experience and the African American experience. "My family came from C.A. 40 years ago and made it" is very different from "my family has been here since the 17th century, and been oppressed, abused, and marginalized all this time".

You say your father went to Vietnam to make a better life for himself... do you know how many black people went to Vietnam, and when they came back, still no one would hire them because they were black? Do you know how many blacks didn't get any sort of real life skill training while in Vietnam because they were black?
Exact figures, no, but I know it happened. Look my dad was first time immigrant, he dealt with his fair share. Perhaps not as much as a typical black person, but he did nonetheless.
I have. My friend from Oaxaca taught me how about a month ago. Did you use chicharones for the filling or is that an Oaxacan thing? Oh hey there was no way I was using chapulines. No way at all. Although I still do have to go to her parents house when they make them as they are going to do a good mole with chalupines as a cultural thing.
Have to be a regionall type of dish, but Pupusas come in many different styles the ones I remember had refried beans and cheese inside and you ate them with curtido,It’s like a spicy pickled relish type of side dish, it’s pretty good ,how about Fried plantains the ripe kind,With Cow tongue and the tomato sauce
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Anyone ever been to a school board zoning meeting?

these seemingly minor things are major. Usually held at times poor, black parents can’t attend. And if they do, they have little agency.

When they are the visible minority, there’s not a lot of input many times and a bunch of Karen’s end up yelling and complaining and harassing the board to split neighborhoods and gerrymander a school district so their white kid doesn’t have to go to a school that a black or brown kid goes to.

In one case, a school with 12% black students was too “full of slower kids and discipline problems”

these decisions have ENORMOUS impact on racial segregation in our country. And it needs to end. It’s more urgent, imo, than the voting gerrymandering.

More equitable zoning. More equitable resource allocation. More equitable educational opportunity.

You want change for poorer schools fast?

Put Karen’s kids in them

This happens, but what ends up happening is that family either moves or sends their kid to private school. It's that serious, unfortunately, and it isn't solely limited to white families. The same happens with black families not wanting their children in a certain school environment, and it isn't always about black schools vs. white schools, but also the conditions of the school itself and quality of the staff, which I think the video I posted earlier today illustrated well.

I have no shame in stating that I am guilty of this also. I chose to move out of Jefferson Parish and into St. Charles Parish, and one of the primary reasons for it is we wanted our 3 children to be able to get into better schools without us spending a fortune on private schools. The school offerings in Jefferson Parish were just so subpar, and I was flat out embarrassed at their conditions when attending open houses.

I'm not exactly sure how to fix this issue for everyone. You change the district lines, people just adjust.
Guys, I love Central and South American food as well including pupusas, but can we keep to the topic? Thanks. :)
Why, are we making you hungry? I would think that I’ve change of topic would be a breath of fresh air but hey let’s get back to the gloom and doom shall we
This happens, but what ends up happening is that family either moves or sends their kid to private school. It's that serious, unfortunately, and it isn't solely limited to white families. The same happens with black families not wanting their children in a certain school environment, and it isn't always about black schools vs. white schools, but also the conditions of the school itself and quality of the staff, which I think the video I posted earlier today illustrated well.

I have no shame in stating that I am guilty of this also. I chose to move out of Jefferson Parish and into St. Charles Parish, and one of the primary reasons for it is we wanted our 3 children to be able to get into better schools without us spending a fortune on private schools. The school offerings in Jefferson Parish were just so subpar, and I was flat out embarrassed at their conditions when attending open houses.

I'm not exactly sure how to fix this issue for everyone. You change the district lines, people just adjust.
This is exactly what happened to my wife and I, our daughter was eight years old living in Los Angeles county which up until this particular day we thought it was a pretty safe neighborhood, woke up on Monday morning to take my girl to school only to open up my front door and have three little punks handcuffed by the police because they found them in the parking lot area trying to break into cars. Had to pick up my daughter walk over the guys and when I got back home I told my wife to call her sister in orange county Because we wanted to rent her condo. This was quite the miracle as far as I’m concerned, this is the best decision I ever made. I moved to an affluent neighborhood and opened up my own business and I never looked back. Every school my daughter went to from grammar school to Junior high to high school and eventually university of California and Irvine were the best school systems I’ve ever experienced.
There are a couple of things that can be done. First is changing how schools are funded. In California the state pays schools, no matter where (with a few exceptions) the same ADA. So a kid in downtown LA gets the same as a kid in Beverley Hills as a kid in the Central Valley. It’s not that easy but if you think that way it works. That way it flattened out school funding instead of funding by district where a poor area had bad schools and a rich one had great schools. The other part and this came into play just a few years ago is what’s called the Williamson’s Act. This is a lawsuit which makes it so that each school has a safe clean campus and currant adoptions of all texts along with monitoring credentials so a district can’t just dump on poor areas.
I don’t understand it well enough, and you can certainly clear this up for me, but isn’t the public/private school in Louisiana just de facto segregation except on income vs race. Which in a lot of instances is race anyway?
And here’s a chapuline, bean and nopal tortilla taco since you’re hungry.


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There are a couple of things that can be done. First is changing how schools are funded. In California the state pays schools, no matter where (with a few exceptions) the same ADA. So a kid in downtown LA gets the same as a kid in Beverley Hills as a kid in the Central Valley. It’s not that easy but if you think that way it works. That way it flattened out school funding instead of funding by district where a poor area had bad schools and a rich one had great schools. The other part and this came into play just a few years ago is what’s called the Williamson’s Act. This is a lawsuit which makes it so that each school has a safe clean campus and currant adoptions of all texts along with monitoring credentials so a district can’t just dump on poor areas.
I don’t understand it well enough, and you can certainly clear this up for me, but isn’t the public/private school in Louisiana just de facto segregation except on income vs race. Which in a lot of instances is race anyway?
My decision to move didn’t come because of the quality of the schools, it came because of the quality of the neighborhood. Unfortunately it was more prone to criminal activity than it is here in Irvine California. Irvine has been voted in the top five of the safest cities in the nation I believe the last 8 to 10 years in a row, didn’t bother to Google it so I’m just guessing but I know it’s quite safe.
Do you have a link for this, or was it sent to you in an email/text?

I ask because one of the reports I read said the majority of misinformation was being transmitted that way, and not by direct linking or facebook posts.

I did hear the first-hand interview about the medic station on TV last night, but it looks like this version has some embellishment.
Do you have a link for this, or was it sent to you in an email/text?

I ask because one of the reports I read said the majority of misinformation was being transmitted that way, and not by direct linking or facebook posts.

I did hear the first-hand interview about the medic station on TV last night, but it looks like this version has some embellishment.

Article that includes video.

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