Cantrell no fans for entire September including GB game (1 Viewer)

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You know, for a group of people who always get pissed when politics get brought to the SSF, y'all sure love to talk about New Orleans politics without any crying. It seem to be the same people who are so afraid of sharia law but embraces some of its finer qualities when it comes to law enforcement.

Yup. It's only "politics" when it's something the majority in a group finds distasteful or that hurts their feelings.
Give us our lives back. There have been over a thousand HS games played with no significant uptick in cases. If they can put fans in Tiger stadium for games, then there can be fans in the Dome. Hospitalizations and deaths continue to decline at the rate of 1% per week. PUT FANS IN THE DOME.

I mean, I'm good if you want to conduct a petri dish study with 80k like minded folks as long as you're kept away from the rest of us for some time after. You know, just to verify that you're "correct".
I've helped provide in-home meals for around 100 seniors three times a week since May. There is an absolute abundance of caution that I take when handling these meals because I precisely understand what asymptomatic means. None of our seniors have been ill or certainly not seriously ill to the very best of my knowledge.

Know your audience. Some people are very much at risk of COVID-19. Most people very much are not. NINETY-FOUR PERCENT of the 200,000 dead we're hung up on had an average of 2.6 comorbidities when they died, per the CDC. Only SIX PERCENT died of COVID-19 alone, per the CDC. When a chronically ill loved one dies after a long battle with cancer, but happened to have influenza at the time, do we go inform others that they died of influenza? Does the hospital even bother testing for influenza? Those already sick are the ones who are at risk and dying. They should take the precautions they need to take, and as a society we should provide them with contactless meals and essentials as we go about our daily lives. Quarantining the healthy is not the answer. The blanket approach we're taking (or at least the one some governing bodies are trying to get us to take) is berserk and causing as much or more physical, psychological, and emotional damage as it is preventing. This virus is here to stay, and will eventually come into contact with everyone, vaccine or not. Ever met someone who has never had a cold? Ever met someone who has never had the flu? I didn't think so. Have we developed herd immunity against the flu? Has a vaccine eradicated the flu? Of course not, and yet, those of us who are healthy don't hide from that virus and we're not going to hide from this one much longer, either.

Open the stadiums up. Open the bars up. Open the schools up. Fork these agendas.
Could not have said it better!
Stop being ruled by fear...

There's a difference between fear and reason. And there's an even bigger difference between being prudent and being a self-centered idiot. Somewhere in the middle is where we are and as we prepare for cooler weather, tighter quarters and the results of the massive disinformation campaign being sold by the administration, I fear we're getting closer to the latter.

Just saying.
You missed it.

If there are 10 times more infected people walking around due to a spike and them not taking precautions , makes every activity more dangerous no matter what precautions others are taking.

Which also brings the mortality rate down to well under a percent and in line with the seasonal flu. Notice how the main emphasis is on the number of cases now instead of number of deaths?

After watching yesterday's college football games I have no doubt we could open up the dome to
at least quarter capacity and still be in line with all the protocols. Between wearing masks and some distance between seats, the transmission risk is incredibly low. Unfortunately the mayor is a science denier and gets to hold the city hostage for federal dollars.
Which also brings the mortality rate down to well under a percent and in line with the seasonal flu. Notice how the main emphasis is on the number of cases now instead of number of deaths?

After watching yesterday's college football games I have no doubt we could open up the dome to
at least quarter capacity and still be in line with all the protocols. Between wearing masks and some distance between seats, the transmission risk is incredibly low. Unfortunately the mayor is a science denier and gets to hold the city hostage for federal dollars.

You're comparing this to the seasonal flu in the same text that you call someone a science denier.

There have been 6m diagnosed and 200k dead. That's right at 3% which is nothing like the seasonal flu.
You're comparing this to the seasonal flu in the same text that you call someone a science denier.

There have been 6m diagnosed and 200k dead. That's right at 3% which is nothing like the seasonal flu.

6m diagnosed and per your quote and the CDC 10 times that number infected and not showing any symptoms. Which brings down that 3% to .3%... In line with the seasonal flu...

It's not science but basic math.
6m diagnosed and per your quote and the CDC 10 times that number infected and not showing any symptoms. Which brings down that 3% to .3%... In line with the seasonal flu...

It's not science but basic math.

The CDC has not said that there are 10 times more infected and, if there were, the equivalent death rate for the flu would not be .3.

You are picking stats out of context and misrepresenting the science.
The CDC has not said that there are 10 times more infected and, if there were, the equivalent death rate for the flu would not be .3.

You are picking stats out of context and misrepresenting the science.

Except that's exactly what they said.

Washington Post Article

"The number of people in the United States who have been infected with the coronavirus is likely to be 10 times as high as the 2.4 million confirmed cases, based on antibody tests, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.

CDC Director Robert Redfield’s estimate, shared with reporters in a conference call, indicates that at least 24 million Americans have been infected so far."

Everywhere else in the state is open to 75% capacity. Still haven't said what's wrong with 25% capacity and masks?
There's a difference between fear and reason. And there's an even bigger difference between being prudent and being a self-centered idiot. Somewhere in the middle is where we are and as we prepare for cooler weather, tighter quarters and the results of the massive disinformation campaign being sold by the administration, I fear we're getting closer to the latter.

Just saying.

I would argue telling business they can't open and people they can't go to work self-centered when you can take your own precautions instead of imposing them on everyone else to make you feel like you are safer. I think the middle ground is opening everything up but requiring masks and some capacity limits.
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