The funny (or tragic, depends on your point of view) thing is is that the truth is already known, it's been retold many, many times over the last half a century; yet it is impossible to discern from the countless theories and claims surrounding the event.There has been conspiracy theories for many years that LBJ had political opponents murdered. There
has been no evidence to support those theories though.
Also funny (or tragic), people who expect a "Col. Mustard with the candlestick in the dining room" revelation from those papers, they are not going to get it, and even if a document exists that states "Col. Mustard with the candlestick in the dining room", it won't be enough in this day and age when people believe that the Earth is flat, that vaccines make you magnetic, that G5 is used to control your thoughts, that the trails behind supersonic jets are chemicals, Jewish lasers, miracle horse medicines, Nigerian princes...
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