AA steps in & steps up the offense (1 Viewer)

Well, there's virtually no tape on AA for opposing defenses to work with. But it'll all depend on chemistry between him and Drew. But it's not like we're at a shortage of WRs that Drew can throw to.
If we see him, I dont see the drops like some other recievers.
I can see peyton using this pony.
I think he's played pretty well in the last 3 pre-seasons but he's played mostly against guys who aren't in the league. There is a reason we've cut this guy like 3 times and he's never been picked up by anyone else. I hope he does great, but I'd honestly be shocked if he plays much.

there are several on the board who are very "two birds in the bush"

who do you sit for AA's spot? (i know colston but i would imagine coach would like an extra ST player (U Young) or mitchell AND dunbar in the game

i think the only way we see AA dress is if colston's injury is worse than reported (ENTIRELY possible)
A WR coming up from the PS is nothing even close to a RB or most other positions because a WR's success is so dependent on the repoire they have with the QB... There's NO WAY Brees is wasting practice reps working with the PS WRs...

Honestly, AA would have a much better chance at success this week if Daniel were starting.

I actually thought something similar when the news came off the wire. Daniel probably knows just how AA runs routes and AA knows just how Daniel throws the quick out pass.
I mean the season is almost over but, in the immediate future we need a true reliable elite deep threat who can also make plays after the catch. Devery has regressed and Meahem is hampered by injury and I'm not sure if he is that kind of receiver(colston and Lance are possession receivers) I wanna see what Drew can do with a Desean Jackson, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, etc.

Yeah, cause what we have now isn't good enough.:rolleyes:

I have been on AA's bandwagon and watch many of his games at Mich. Kid has great potential, but he just can't seem to get on the field. It's too hard to know what he is capable of for an entire season instead of just the pre season (where he does quite well). I'm just getting over it because it seems like a lost cause.

He's as good as Manningham and could start for several teams IMO. Just doesn't seem like it's gonna happen here.
Yeah, cause what we have now isn't good enough.:rolleyes:

I have been on AA's bandwagon and watch many of his games at Mich. Kid has great potential, but he just can't seem to get on the field. It's too hard to know what he is capable of for an entire season instead of just the pre season (where he does quite well). I'm just getting over it because it seems like a lost cause.

He's as good as Manningham and could start for several teams IMO. Just doesn't seem like it's gonna happen here.

As I recall, AAs problem here was ST play, which he couldn't do very well.

Coach feels all players should have a ST they play on, and are not a liability while doing it.

AA seemed in TC and preseason to be a pretty good raw WR. But never made an impact on ST.

I doubt we are in dire need at WR, so I'm surprised we called him up, it's a head scratcher to me.

Its up to him. He has to take advantage of every opportunity. Not often does one of our receivers go down so this is his chance, and probably only chance. If I were him I would be in the facility at 4AM waiting for Drew so I could pick his brain and get reps.


Notta chance. Drew will already have been there 2 hours studying film and working out.

Otherwise, excellent post. :D
The fact is that 31 other teams have had the opportunity for the last 16 weeks to take AA at any time. If any of them were truly impressed by his awesome pre-season film why is he still here? And remember, by having him on the PS the Saints were OK with the possibility of him moving on with no compensation.

AA might be in the active 45 this week, but only as an emergency measure in place of Roby and Colston. But to expect big things from AA is unrealistic IMHO. Hope, pray, want big things - OK, but don't expect them.

The Saints FO has been pretty good at talent evaluation, and it might just be that he is what they thought he was - good insurance but no sure thing.
So we're going to completely change our offense and only use 3 wrs even though we have a capable reciever who has been here for three years and knows the offense and has that he can play?

He'll be out there. Bush will be split out a lot too.
I think he'll be active, and I see no reason why Brees wouldn't throw to the guy if he gets open. I've seen Brees throw on a Sunday to a player that was signed on the preceding Thursday. Nobody around me in the stands could ID the dude by number, and the only reason I knew who he was was because of SR.

AA has looked like a real player when he's gotten the opportunity, but he's been snakebit by injuries. It'll be good to see him in a regular season game finally! (Heck, maybe even a playoff game or two...)
Hey... I liked what I saw out of AA in the preseason too, but it was just the preseason.

AA has most likely gotten ZERO reps with the 1st string offense up to this point, and has probably only caught a few more Drew Brees passes than I have!

Just my opinion, but I think AA will be on the inactive list this Sunday.

He may be active, but only for injury insurance, or if the scoreboard shows an Atlanta blow-out then AA takes reps in mop up.
I mean the season is almost over but, in the immediate future we need a true reliable elite deep threat who can also make plays after the catch. Devery has regressed and Meahem is hampered by injury and I'm not sure if he is that kind of receiver(colston and Lance are possession receivers) I wanna see what Drew can do with a Desean Jackson, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, etc.

dude i would love to see what brees could do with a jackson, calvin or andre johnson, fitz, randy moss in his prime (or 2007). not saying i dont like our receivers, but seriously, how much more insane would our offense look with an andre johnson.
Some of you guys are ridiculous. AA was free for the taking for 31 other teams all year last year and this year and no one signed him up. He's far from the sure thing that some of you think he is.

That being said, I hope he catches 100 touchdowns this weekend.
From what I have seen from AA...he looks like a mini-Colston....he is not a burner but has good size and good hands....he could be the 3rd WR on a lot of teams (if he could stay healthy)...I am glad he lasted...We have lost a couple good prospects but he is someone that another team in need of WRs should have picked up....I think we are just fortunate and its not a reflection on his lack of talent.

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