AA steps in & steps up the offense (1 Viewer)

Aug 9, 2010
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I know I will catch a lot of guff for this statement, but it could be a great thing for this team having AA come into the active line up. I am pretty sure I will not have much backing for this statement, but I will state my case anyway. Every time this team has put in one of our home grown guys it has paid off for this offense. Last year, when I saw the way Mike Bell was running during preseason & the way Devery was catching every thing in sight, to go along with the way our DBs looked, I knew this team was going to have a BIG season. AA was the best reciever we had in preseason, but there just wasn't a spot for him. To be totally honest, this offense hasn't played any game this year at as high of a level as it played in at least 5 games last year. Do not be surprised if AA gives this offense a major shot in the arm it needs, just in time for the playoffs.
I mean the season is almost over but, in the immediate future we need a true reliable elite deep threat who can also make plays after the catch. Devery has regressed and Meahem is hampered by injury and I'm not sure if he is that kind of receiver(colston and Lance are possession receivers) I wanna see what Drew can do with a Desean Jackson, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, etc.
Its up to him. He has to take advantage of every opportunity. Not often does one of our receivers go down so this is his chance, and probably only chance. If I were him I would be in the facility at 4AM waiting for Drew so I could pick his brain and get reps.
Hey... I liked what I saw out of AA in the preseason too, but it was just the preseason.

AA has most likely gotten ZERO reps with the 1st string offense up to this point, and has probably only caught a few more Drew Brees passes than I have!

Just my opinion, but I think AA will be on the inactive list this Sunday.
Hey... I liked what I saw out of AA in the preseason too, but it was just the preseason.

AA has most likely gotten ZERO reps with the 1st string offense up to this point, and has probably only caught a few more Drew Brees passes than I have!

Just my opinion, but I think AA will be on the inactive list this Sunday.

Colston will probably be out for the game. If the Saints want to use a 4 wide set, that means Meachem, Henderson, Moore, and Arrington.
Hey... I liked what I saw out of AA in the preseason too, but it was just the preseason.

AA has most likely gotten ZERO reps with the 1st string offense up to this point, and has probably only caught a few more Drew Brees passes than I have!

Just my opinion, but I think AA will be on the inactive list this Sunday.

I agree with everything you said, except I do think there is a very slim chance he is actually active. Colston will be out, and Roby was placed on IR. That leaves Meachem, Henderson, and Moore as the only healthy WRs, and even Meachem was slightly nicked up (though fine) after the Atlanta game.

Add to the fact that Dave Thomas has been out, and that they may likely want to keep him out one more game just to have him in 2 weeks, then I think it's certainly possible we see AA dressed, though not necessarily involved (barring an injury to one of the 3 in front of him).

I'd be shocked if he actually got a chance to "show people what he's got," though. It's more than likely an emergency move.

We've seen Drew can make the offense work with any WR though. To be honest, my concern with the WR corps right now is more related to Roby than Colston/AA (assuming Colston makes it back for the playoffs). Roby provided an important return option, as well as being a solid gunner on punts. We really don't have anyone to replace him that isn't a starter, so we're going to be stretched thin by these injuries down the stretch.
Hey... I liked what I saw out of AA in the preseason too, but it was just the preseason.

AA has most likely gotten ZERO reps with the 1st string offense up to this point, and has probably only caught a few more Drew Brees passes than I have!

Just my opinion, but I think AA will be on the inactive list this Sunday.

Ah, a voice of reason.

AA won't play this week.

I would love to see post-game hype this Sunday as to how New Orleans always seems to pull low profile players out of nowhere to come in and pay dividends.
I'm guessing AA will play, because both Colston and Roby are down, but wouldn't be surprised either way.

I think he's a playmaker. Not a great athlete, but has good hands, long arms, and a pretty big body. If he is active, he will surprise a few people. I bet he's been getting plenty of practice on the scout team, and is game ready.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised he's the first receiver Drew goes to on a long pass.
Can you imagine the press if we beat the NFC West in the first playoff game with Ivory in the backfield, Graham at TE, and AA at wideout.

"...and they did it with rookies & practice squad players"

Another rule change goes into effect off a Saints playoff game
I think he's played pretty well in the last 3 pre-seasons but he's played mostly against guys who aren't in the league. There is a reason we've cut this guy like 3 times and he's never been picked up by anyone else. I hope he does great, but I'd honestly be shocked if he plays much.
I'm guessing AA will play, because both Colston and Roby are down, but wouldn't be surprised either way.

I think he's a playmaker. Not a great athlete, but has good hands, long arms, and a pretty big body. If he is active, he will surprise a few people. I bet he's been getting plenty of practice on the scout team, and is game ready.

A WR coming up from the PS is nothing even close to a RB or most other positions because a WR's success is so dependent on the repoire they have with the QB... There's NO WAY Brees is wasting practice reps working with the PS WRs...

Honestly, AA would have a much better chance at success this week if Daniel were starting.

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