Another mass shooting in Jacksonville, FL (2 Viewers)

a society in which every member is healthy seems like an unrealistic goal. The truth must lie somewhere between the extremes you and Razor are suggesting. We will never get rid of this but we must be trying to address mental health.
agreed, overall society is WAY safer than it thinks/has been led to believe
i think we definitely have a disaffected male, youth problem
very entitled with scant social skills or ability to adapt to or process alternative environments or ideas

not a good recipe
Mass public shootings are not the sign of a healthy society. Overall violence rates are irrelevant when the violence is manifesting in the ways it is . But tell yourself whatever you need to to sleep at night. I don't care.
Of course mass public shootings are not the sign of a healthy society, but it's worth putting in perspective by acknowledging that overall violence and gun violence in society is way down. You can be both upset over the mass shooting and also happy about the overall drop in violence. Now whether or not society is broken, that involves a very subjective/selective judgment.
BBC is now saying it was a gamer that lost.
Several shot dead at Florida gaming venue

It’s terrible either way, but If this is how someone reacts to losing at a video game, geez. I’m a lifelong gamer and have been upset at times in my life when losing, but this is whole nother level stuff. RIP to the victims.

I think @guidomerkinsrules summed this one up perfectly.
Can’t even process how someone’s brain could actually work this way. Literally can’t fathom this.
I'm by no means advocating banning social media or anything of the sort, and I don't "blame" social media for these shootings the way that some blamed Marilyn Manson for Columbine, BUT:

I think social media in a way contributes or enables sociopathy in society. People can now gain popularity by making stances that previously would be considered extreme. Finding other extremists in your own small town would have been difficult 20 years ago. Now, no matter how outlandish your take on "whatever", you can find hundreds or thousands of like-minds.

Not only that, but I think you find people feeling like they're not as popular, famous, loved, or successful as their peers because everyone puts their best foot forward on social media. Everyone's family life is wonderful, their wives/husbands are amazing, their kids are brilliant, etc. That's just a facade, but people with marital/financial/child issues feel inadequate. Debbie down the street doesn't post that her husband was demoted and that little Timmy was suspended for a fight at school. She's posting photos from the recent vacay that went 100% on credit. To quote the late great David Foster Wallace, we're all "lords of our own tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the center of all creation".

But then again, I may just be buzzed from the 7 beers I've had today while finding busy work around the house :)
Great post Razor.
I was so disheartened the day my son came home and was distraught at how many ‘likes’ he had received on a social media post.
I got off of Facebook for the reasons you typed out. We all have struggles, no one’s life is perfect imo. All that separates us is how we react to the issues that arise in our lives.
But then again, I may just be buzzed from the 7 beers I've had today while finding busy work around the house :)

Self-awareness. Folks, look at this. It's the way to be. Kudos to RazorSaint.
People should be kind to everyone they meet. We’re all hypocrites on that to some degree, but that doesn’t mean it’s not what we should do.

That person you’re talking smack to, might have some really serious problem they’ve been able to hide, but you were that last straw.

Of course people shouldn’t react violently to words, but that doesn’t mean it’s cool to be an butt crevasse.
I'm by no means advocating banning social media or anything of the sort, and I don't "blame" social media for these shootings the way that some blamed Marilyn Manson for Columbine, BUT:

I think social media in a way contributes or enables sociopathy in society. People can now gain popularity by making stances that previously would be considered extreme. Finding other extremists in your own small town would have been difficult 20 years ago. Now, no matter how outlandish your take on "whatever", you can find hundreds or thousands of like-minds.

Not only that, but I think you find people feeling like they're not as popular, famous, loved, or successful as their peers because everyone puts their best foot forward on social media. Everyone's family life is wonderful, their wives/husbands are amazing, their kids are brilliant, etc. That's just a facade, but people with marital/financial/child issues feel inadequate. Debbie down the street doesn't post that her husband was demoted and that little Timmy was suspended for a fight at school. She's posting photos from the recent vacay that went 100% on credit. To quote the late great David Foster Wallace, we're all "lords of our own tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the center of all creation".

But then again, I may just be buzzed from the 7 beers I've had today while finding busy work around the house :)
I think you're right. Individual parents can maybe do something about it when a kid is under their care, but otherwise it's just something we have to live with until there's some dramatic shift in media culture. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I'm by no means advocating banning social media or anything of the sort, and I don't "blame" social media for these shootings the way that some blamed Marilyn Manson for Columbine, BUT:

I think social media in a way contributes or enables sociopathy in society. People can now gain popularity by making stances that previously would be considered extreme. Finding other extremists in your own small town would have been difficult 20 years ago. Now, no matter how outlandish your take on "whatever", you can find hundreds or thousands of like-minds.

Not only that, but I think you find people feeling like they're not as popular, famous, loved, or successful as their peers because everyone puts their best foot forward on social media. Everyone's family life is wonderful, their wives/husbands are amazing, their kids are brilliant, etc. That's just a facade, but people with marital/financial/child issues feel inadequate. Debbie down the street doesn't post that her husband was demoted and that little Timmy was suspended for a fight at school. She's posting photos from the recent vacay that went 100% on credit. To quote the late great David Foster Wallace, we're all "lords of our own tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the center of all creation".

But then again, I may just be buzzed from the 7 beers I've had today while finding busy work around the house :)
I hear what you’re saying and I think there’s some validity to it
But I think you’re describing the effects of most any new technology
We were creating a performance about flight and one of the company found some research about the early days of planes
At first there was this utopian sense that “wow, this will obliterate borders and unite us all and we will all come together”
Soon after some other people realized “this will make it much easier to drop bombs on those people over there”
Every technology brings this tool/weapon paradox with it
Essentially it’s not the technology it’s us
Can you imagine him getting ready in the morning thinking, "If I win his tournament, nobody will have to die, but if I lose I am going to kill myself and take some others with me." A deranged cry for help. I think this person decided a while ago that they wanted to take their own life and unfortunately we see the manifestation of it in a public manner.

How do we convince our youth that life is precious, even their own? It has to start at home, but how?

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