Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered? (2 Viewers)

Will you get the covid vaccine when offered?

  • Yes

    Votes: 278 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 106 27.9%

  • Total voters


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Nov 18, 2000
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About half of the people I know, including nurses, seem very reluctant to get the vaccination. Surprisingly, this includes different political demographics. What better way to settle it than by coming to a Saints message board.

edit: Geez I somehow allowed people to pick more than one answer on a yes/no poll. Doh!
Binary choices are awesome!

I'm in the yes category from a high level.... But I intend to wait until I see which is most effective, and has the least side effects... I also intend to get an anti-body blood test first to see if I have already had it, and have some level of immunity... this way I am not taking a potential shot away from someone that actually needs it more than I do. (I know 6 people that don't intend to get it, because they have already had confirmed cases of it already)

*Not a slight on your thread or poll Dre... I'm just usually adverse to any discussion / line of questioning that is based on a binary choice with no room for context, situation, or middle ground - those discussions are designed to divide and destined to fail*
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i imagine something like an 85/10/5 (5 = tacoes) split on the EE

i think SSF would give you closer to representative data (but i doubt Andrus would appreciate this pole on the SSF, so...)
For me it will depend on how long the wait is to get it. If I would have to wait hours to get it, then no. If I can schedule an appt to get it, then yes. So I guess I'll answer both options since Dre allowed it. :)
I will get the vaccine when it is available to me. Preferably the Moderna vaccine, but I would take any of them. I'm confident that we are very good at making vaccines and that the testing that has been done is expansive enough to prove the vaccines effective and safe.

I, however, do wonder when we will be able to get to the level of 70% of the country vaccinated which I understand is the number we need to reach herd immunity with the vaccines. I'm afraid that it will take a very long time to get them mostly due to people wanting to wait or refusing to take the vaccine at all, but also due to the limited supply of the vaccine.
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I will get the vaccine when it is available to me. Preferably the Moderna vaccine, but I would take any of them. I'm confident that we are very good at making vaccines and that the testing that has been done is expansive enough to prove the vaccines effective and safe.

I, however, do wonder when we will be able to get to the level of 70% of the country vaccinated which I understand is the number we need to reach herd immunity with the vaccines. I'm afraid that it will take a very long time to get them mostly due to people wanting to wait or refusing to take the vaccine at all, but also due to the limited supply of the vaccine.
I saw that scientist from Baylor interviewed the other day on the news. He said they've been working on a variation of this vaccine since like 2004 (I can't remember the exact year). Apparently that's how they were able to create a vaccine as fast as they did and get it approved. That made me feel much better about the safety of them.
I saw that scientist from Baylor interviewed the other day on the news. He said they've been working on a variation of this vaccine since like 2004 (I can't remember the exact year). Apparently that's how they were able to create a vaccine as fast as they did and get it approved. That made me feel much better about the safety of them.

Yeah, they have been working on the mRNA stuff and particularly variations of Coronaviruses for quite awhile. SARS, etc. have been well known for many years. It's not like they started from scratch not knowing anything about this type of virus. So, like you, it makes me feel more confident in the work knowing that the tech has been worked on for years. Actually, it seems to me that I recall that I think the Moderna vaccine started in small trials only a couple months after this all started so it wasn't really all that rushed, and they had been working on the basic principles of this for many years prior to that.

My biggest concern with the safety of the vaccines was that it may have been rushed due to political issues, but it appears to me based on my research that all the proper safety protocols were followed and while it looks like it was done quickly to us, they have been working on similar viruses and similar techniques for many years.
I'm in.

My wife (federal worker) has already received an email asking if she wants it assuming they will be relatively early in the line (we'll see). She has some qualms about taking it, not so much from a safety standpoint but because it feels a little bit like cutting in line of others.

My feeling is if you have access to it you should take it - we need as many people getting it as quickly as we can regardless of their job.

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