Arrow - Spoilers galore (1 Viewer)

Better yet...

As a Firefly fan, this GIF always kinda confuses me. Are you mad about what happened? And, is it too early to talk about it?
I'm using it more for the speechless aspect
Gotcha. So, do we want to get into this now or wait until more have watched?

I'll go with the flow. No one else is saying anything either because they didn't watch yet or don't care.
Spit it out.

Ok, fine.

So, Laurel is back(or is she?).

I'll start with my least favorite theory.

-Susan Williams drugged Ollie and he is hallucinating. They really focussed on that bottle of vodka before she poured him that drink. I hate this because we just did this, and well, for episode 100. There is no need for another "what if?" fake out.

-FLASHPOINT! Because, if you read any comments on the interwebs, this can explain anything.

-Talia has a Lazarus Pit that no one else knew about and she resurrected Laurel.

-The Legends did something to change the timeline and bring her back.

-It's Earth 2 Laurel, or one from another Earth in the multiverse.

-Finally, to reference X-Men back in the day, Laurel simply "got better."

I'm a little conflicted on this whole thing, because her return cheapens her death, but this happens in comics all the time and this is a comic book show, so I guess it should be expected. Plus, it's a character who got killed off when she finally became likeable. Also, possibly having a real Black Canary on this show again makes me happy.
I should have included a link for evidence.
Arrow: How Did That Thought-Dead Character Come Back? - IGN

At the very least, I should be qualified to write for IGN. Though, to be fair, so should 90% of the EE board. :ezbill:
Most of the IGN writers are still too busy tweeting about Trump hate to properly review anything.

But I coulda sworn you took your thoughts straight from IGN cause that's what I read first. (due to it taking you 4 days to spit it out :ezbill:)

My problem with any timeline based theory (flashpoint, etc....) is that they wouldn't have built a statue of her that they had in episode 1 or 2.
I don't think it's Laurel. I think they will have an explanation and Ollie will believe it, but it will turn out to not be her in the end. Someone in disguise, a shapeshifter... who knows. What characters that can mimic others in the DC Universe could this be?
I personally wouldn't be shocked if Susan drugged Ollie and is a stooge for Talia.

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