At the Copa, Copa America ('24) (7 Viewers)

The Uruguay and the ref were successful at defusing the energy and attack the US had in the first 25’. Then just so much bullshirt. Just have to find a way to win this.

Gio looks really good tonight. CP getting space on the right. Have to put it in.
For all the fight the US has given, unless we win this game, we out. We must find a goal in the 2nd.

Regroup and clear mind and get back to pressing and keep energy high.

Someone is going to have to produce a moment to take 3 pts.

Field doesn't seem to be great, officiating is absolutely horrendous, but I have to believe we have a goal in this squad. We need to get after it.

45 min to pull it off.

Much props to the players for their first 45. Give us another 45 like that.

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