Brees now has N.O. MoJo! So says Carney..... (1 Viewer)


Oct 19, 2000
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Wherever I go? There I AM~!
The most interesting tid bit about this article to me is what the Old Pro ( and one of my favorites in the League) 45 year old 21 year vet kicker John Carney, doing his second term with The SAINTS and "Cool" Brees said.

He said the thing he's noticed most is the way Drew dresses. In 2006 he was Mid-West dressed down but now had his New Orleans MoJo on! That cracks me up! It's not like the man is wearing chinchilla but he must be getting his suites from Rubenstein's instead of Men's Warehouse!

I don't care what Drew wears as long as he's comfortable and feels good! He's a Father now and should dress nicely for his wife whenever they go out to make her feel pretty and special but I'm getting all fuzzy and feel like holding a bunny right now thinking about going from the aaron brooks era to the Beauty of Brees! What a difference for us in the League!

New Orleans Mojo from Carney! That's funny!
It's not like the man is wearing chinchilla but he must be getting his suites from Rubenstein's instead of Men's Warehouse!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: That is funny for anyone from New Orleans. Hadn't heard Rubenstein's name in ages. You're making me homesick. :jpshakehead:
That's what's so wrong when you expatriate from Home! All I know is, when growing up, if you bought your clothes from Rubenstein's, you were ROLLING! I managed the Lafont's for jeans on Canal just down the street for a while and would walk by Rubenstein's on my way to The Pearl for a Debris Po-Boy, thinking how much would a person need to have to afford a nice suit from Rubenstein's. Man, that IS going back a ways. Is Rubenstein's even there any more?
That's what's so wrong when you expatriate from Home! All I know is, when growing up, if you bought your clothes from Rubenstein's, you were ROLLING! I managed the Lafont's for jeans on Canal just down the street for a while and would walk by Rubenstein's on my way to The Pearl for a Debris Po-Boy, thinking how much would a person need to have to afford a nice suit from Rubenstein's. Man, that IS going back a ways. Is Rubenstein's even there any more?

Is the Pearl still there? A friend of mine used to it?
My boss bought me a shirt from Rubenstien's once....$176 Hugo Boss shirt. I was about you just give me $150 cash and we call it even.
Did I just see "Beauty and the Brees" in the OP? That would be a good nickname for our offense.

...Nevermind, it says beauty OF Brees...but I still like it.
Yeah Rub's still there. My brother used to own a night club in the 90's and he'd spend like $1700 in one visit buying stuff. My cousin and I would go with him and the people working there would always ask us if we played for anybody and we would tell them the Saints and they'd give us a 10% discount.
....The funny part is, is that my brother was the only one that could afford to shop there and when I asked the manager why just 10% since we "played" for the Saints his reply was "Get us to the Super Bowl and then come see me"....I'm still waiting to go back!
Yeah Rub's still there. My brother used to own a night club in the 90's and he'd spend like $1700 in one visit buying stuff. My cousin and I would go with him and the people working there would always ask us if we played for anybody and we would tell them the Saints and they'd give us a 10% discount.
....The funny part is, is that my brother was the only one that could afford to shop there and when I asked the manager why just 10% since we "played" for the Saints his reply was "Get us to the Super Bowl and then come see me"....I'm still waiting to go back!

That's funny. :lol::lol::lol:

Maybe you can finally go back in February, ya think? :idunno:
That's funny. :lol::lol::lol:

Maybe you can finally go back in February, ya think? :idunno:

What Club did he own? I used to work at quite a few back in the day; but I guess the longest and strongest club I was a DJ @ was Fletcher's Nightery in Fat City when it was
THE club to go to, all the big acts would come by Led Zep, Stones, Aeorsmith, Rod Stewart, just like Deja Vu when I worked there prior to all of that. Some of the Saints would come in but not as many as you would think unless I just didn't recognize them. I know Wes Chandler came in and Chuck Muncie but that shows you how long ago all that was.

Today I'm glad the SAINTS players are more involved in watching tape and studying play books than hanging in clubs and getting high! Today I feel we have some players who are so solid, none of them would let this season slip due to that sort of activity and I'm proud of it!
You worked at Deja Vu? My friend Johnny Livacarri was a DJ there. I worked the Old Absinthe Bar when Luther Kent was there and also My Good Friend Rodney's... I was the Social Director :) Also, the Blues Saloon...I shopped at the Madison Shop, btw for my bleeding madras shirts...

What Club did he own? I used to work at quite a few back in the day; but I guess the longest and strongest club I was a DJ @ was Fletcher's Nightery in Fat City when it was
THE club to go to, all the big acts would come by Led Zep, Stones, Aeorsmith, Rod Stewart, just like Deja Vu when I worked there prior to all of that. Some of the Saints would come in but not as many as you would think unless I just didn't recognize them. I know Wes Chandler came in and Chuck Muncie but that shows you how long ago all that was.

Today I'm glad the SAINTS players are more involved in watching tape and studying play books than hanging in clubs and getting high! Today I feel we have some players who are so solid, none of them would let this season slip due to that sort of activity and I'm proud of it!
Wow you guys are talking blasts from the past . I used to play music with Dino Kruse that was the DJ at Fletcher's and on a bunch of radio stations in N.O. and almost used to live at Deja Vu when Frank was bartending Any of you guys remember a lil bar on causeway called Chances ?
Wow you guys are talking blasts from the past . I used to play music with Dino Kruse that was the DJ at Fletcher's and on a bunch of radio stations in N.O. and almost used to live at Deja Vu when Frank was bartending Any of you guys remember a lil bar on causeway called Chances ?

Dude! You are talking to St. Young! ( that was my monicker in those days)I knew Livacari well back then and Frank Doll, whose Brother Patrick was really one of my best friends @ Chalmette and FD ( "CatMan at Deja Vu') was my roommate along with Billy Corales ( both have passed now, Billy became a SWAT TEAM guy and, saddly, committed suicide many years ago and FD passed about a year ago due to complications with cancer, Dino passed some time ago, alone and in Arkansas somewhere) WOW! This needs to be conitnued in the EE section but it just goes to show how close a community Nawl'ins is and explains why The SAINTS are so vital to our dispositions no matter where we live as long as you bleed Black and Gold!

Shrimp--------feel free to PM me or e-mail me @ Sounds like we have a LOT in common and to talk about.

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