Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 (3 Viewers)

A good number of people have the game. There are people who are modding their x box's to get the game. Some guy on my friends list bought it in NY City store. Not Fair! :rant:
I've been playing this way too much lately. I'm not going to get the second one until after my finals are done in the second week of December. It's going to kill me to not play it for a month but I don't want to fail out of school.
I may be more excited about this

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Probably the same people who exploit glitches then act like they are a good player. :idunno:

No doubt. One of my friends had someone on his friend list playing it last night. The guy said there were 15,000 something people playing online. They might as well sell it early now.
No doubt. One of my friends had someone on his friend list playing it last night. The guy said there were 15,000 something people playing online. They might as well sell it early now.

Same thing happened with Madden. Eh, let them get their practice in now before next Teusday morning. They'll need it.
Check my achievements, I was playing Halo 3 four days before it came out and I did nothing illegal to get it.
A good number of people have the game. There are people who are modding their x box's to get the game. Some guy on my friends list bought it in NY City store. Not Fair! :rant:

If you could tell me which store, that would be great!
If you could tell me which store, that would be great!

I dunno. I'll get my friend to ask. I just went to a local mom and pop store here and offered the guy 20 dollars to sell it to me and he wouldn't. I'd maybe do some googling to see if anyone is bragging on message boards.
I'm pretty sure they're going to ban the accounts of those playing early. So if you get it early and want to practice, do it on a temporary account.

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