Sun Wukong
Kicker's, Inc. Superfan
Meanwhile in Chicago, it's crowded as hell, but there's no cosplay involved.
But is there at least the smell of rampant B.O? I got hit with that a few times today...wouldn't be a good con without it...or something. Side rant: I am about as big a geek as you'll find and drink from every well imaginable from tabletop games to anime to comic books to sci-fi and fantasy and horror to whatever, but I still find time to shower and groom myself. It isn't that hard people.
I just looked them up online. They go to comic cons all over the place. They were at SDCC last month.
So the print I was going to buy was a smaller size, probably a 6 x 10 or something like that. It was $20. No problem. I pay him and he goes to look for it, but can't find any. I was a bit bummed, but he said, "I can refund or I can give you a deal on the 10 x 20. How about $30 for it?" It is normally $50, so I saved $20 and was quite happy. Now I just need to find a frame to put it in.
Yeah, they seemed like really nice people. Unfortunately both the pieces I wanted today they said they no longer bring prints of to shows as they are "retired" just due to travelling logistics and rotating in new pieces. If I can't get them online there was some other stuff I really liked.
Random observation: Trish Stratus is really tiny. Her billed height is 5'5 but even in giant heels today I'm not sure she actually cleared that. Wrestling heights are always kayfabed, but it still kind of shocked me.